Vote for Obama, and deny the Liar !

My fellow Americans, the time is upon us.  This tremendously important election will likely determine the direction of affordable health care for all, the survival of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security  and the new face of the Supreme Court.  Please do not underestimate the impact this election will have on our lives and generations to come.  President Obama is the only choice if America is to remain a secure land of opportunity for all, instead of a social Darwinian nightmare of survival of the richest and best connected.

On this election eve, it’s hard to imagine there are any truly undecided voters out there, so I’m going to focus on some of the most important reasons to vote for Barrack Obama, and  remind you to remind your friends and neighbors of the extreme importance of going out and voting for him tomorrow.  And I hope this will prove a useful shortlist for you to explain to your deluded friends and family members who think voting for the compulsive liar Mitt Romney is in their best interests.  You can probably give up reasoning with these people at this point, but hopefully come Wednesday, you can remind them of why you voted for Obama, and why they should actually be thankful that Obama has won re-election.

Survival.  Pure and simple and Darwinian enough, but everyone needs to remember when they hear such buzz words as “Obama Care,”  “voucher care” or “European style socialism” that they are more than mere labels.  Behind the meaning of these carefully loaded words is one of the most fundamental survival needs we have in the modern world:  access to healthcare and modern medicine.  A vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan is a vote to return the power, money and resources of the healthcare system back over to the health insurance companies. These insurance companies make enormous profits every year by collecting money from people to protect them and then denying them care when it cuts into their profits. It is plain and simple thievery.   Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to repeal Obama Care to return the power of denial of coverage for profit back to the insurance companies.  And they desperately want to get it repealed before all of it is full implemented, by 2014. They know that once Americans experience all of the protections and benefits that the Affordable Care Act provides, it will be much more difficult to take away.

Keenly aware that it is difficult to take away successful government programs once they are realized, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are not just trying to kill Obama Care, but to pull a sneak attack on Medicare.  Eventually, Mitt Romney, his running mate, and many conservative republicans hope to dismantle Medicare as we know it and replace it with a voucher system for seniors to go out and purchase health insurance on their own.  Health insurance companies that would again be playing by the repealed Obama Care laws, where they rack up profit by letting sick people die.  Knowing that no one in their right mind currently on Medicare or close to it would accept this deal, they are saying in essence, “don’t worry, if you are age 55 and older, your guaranteed coverage of Medicare will continue, we only plan on screwing over your children completely. ”  And of course they are counting that those of us under 55 are not paying too much attention to medicare just yet.

Social Security is still under threat, hard as that may seem to be, but keep in mind that republicans have been salivating  for years to cut Social Security benefits, raise the retirement age, or privatize it.  Remember when George W. Bush was going to use his political capital on getting Social Security privatized ?  Congressman Paul Ryan was his leading partner in that effort at the time.  Paul Ryan, who’s latest budget proposals have included more tax cuts for the wealthy, and draconian cuts to Medicaid, which serves the most poor and vulnerable among us, to pay for it.  Paul Ryan, who is currently trying to replace Medicare and cut Medicaid, was also George W. Bush’s right hand monkey when Bush dreamed of turning over Americans’ guaranteed retirements into the hands of his criminal friends on Wall Street.  Let’s make sure this is the end of Paul Ryan’s career of trying to destroy the great social safety nets we most all will need at some point in our life.

Have you seen the outdated attacks on women’s basic right to contraception these days ?  It is truly unbelievable.  Remember the ‘forcible rape’ republican, Todd Akin?  In 2009 Paul Ryan co-sponsored the Sanctity of Human Life Act of 2009, a radical bill that would have given fertilized eggs the exact same rights under the constitution as human beings.  When asked  by ex-preacher and current sellout asshole Mike Huckabee on the Fox Propaganda News Network if Romney would have supported a constitutional amendment in Massachusetts that would have granted legal status at conception, Romney responded “Absolutely.”  When asked during a republican primary debate in 2007 on whether he thought Roe v. Wade should be repealed, Romney replied the same.   “Absolutely.”

The next president may get to nominate two Supreme Court Justices.  With a current Supreme Court already stacked with such conservative partisans like Antonin Scalia and such clueless dip-shits like Clarence Thomas, do we really trust Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan to nominate reasonable men to this important lifetime position?

Absolutely not !

Those are the short and dire list of why we must reelect President Obama.  Those are the fundamentals to remind your friends and family of the importance of voting for him for a second term, and simple and direct answers to your beloved countrymen who are tricked into voting for Mitt Romney and the republicans.  These are by far not the only important reasons to vote for Barrack Obama, but they are the ones that should motivate people the most, as our lives literally depend on it.  And this should cheer up our friends who mistakenly voted for Mitt Romney, who God willing, will be an old Saturday Night Live joke shortly and fade into the memory of the nightmare that could have been.







The Foreign Policy Debate

We find ourselves awaiting the final debate on foreign policy tomorrow night between our Commander and Chief and the would be replacement, the Liar and Thief.  The latter has spent the last year and a half mostly quiet on international affairs, as his purpose and passion in life has always been vulture capitalism and turning a profit.  Stealing from the poor and middle class to give more to his rich cronies is Mr. Romney’s one and true agenda, but he’s happy to now thump his chest and pretend he know’s what he’s talking about with regards to United States foreign policy.  I think most of us are expecting to see the President articulate and expand on his very strong and successful record as the leader of the free world.

Mr. Romney for months kept quiet on his vision for America’s future on the international stage, most likely because he doesn’t have one, other than his generic rhetoric on how he wants to spend lots more money to make our military so great  “that no would ever dare challenge it.”  Empty rhetoric, especially given the fact that the U.S. military is already  the strongest military in the world.  Mr. Romney seems to think if he is willing to propose even more spending than the Pentagon is already asking for, that somehow our enemies will be too frightened to challenge us.  Most people with an eighth grade level of reasoning know that in the age of suicide bombers and hijackers and terrorists, and after an over decade long occupation of Afghanistan, that this is ludicrous and pathetic saber rattling from a foolish man who protested in favor of the Vietnam war, without ever having volunteered to fight in it himself.

Surely most voters will realize that this main pillar of Romney’s plan for our foreign policy, fear by intimidation of the size of our military, is a childish argument and lazy answer for a man who desperately wants to be be president, and will say anything to get him there, even if it doesn’t make any sense.

And I’m sure President Obama will remind voters that this tough talking man, Mr. Romney, who plans to frighten our enemies into cooperation, is the same man who previously said that “It’s not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person” regarding Osama Bin Laden.

It was Mr. Obama, who when running for president, had boldly stated that if he were president, and he had word on Bin Laden’s wear-a-bouts in Pakistan, he would use force with or without Pakistani approval.  He was called naive at the time.  Not anymore.  He meant what he said and said what he meant.

Mr. Romney,  among one of many things he has tried to change his answer on or viewpoint after the fact, has now said that any president would have made the same decision that President Obama did on sending the American Naval Seals team to get Bin Laden in his compound on a dangerous and risky, but successful assault.  Funny, Mr. Romney ran against John McCain in the primaries on this point, leading Mr. McCain to describe Romney as weak on national security and naive himself to not believe that getting Bin Laden was not an integral part of our struggle against terrorists.

Mr. Romney now likes to talk tough about Iran, even though he will not specify what he would do differently in our response to Iran’s enrichment of uranium, and their presumed desire to develop nuclear weapons.  All Mr. Romney can say for certainty is that he would bomb quicker, and be at Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s every beckon and call, and that their would be “no daylight” between the United States and Israel’s assessment of the threat. This is not leadership or loyalty to the citizens and soldiers of this country – it is pandering and soul selling to a foreign country, who although an ally, certainly has different national security interests than the United States.

It appears that congressman Paul Ryan just learned that the Ayatollah’s have more political power in Iran than the country’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whom conservatives love to point to as the real Iranian danger because of his remarks that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth.  Perhaps Mr. Ryan learned in his debate prep that Ahmadinejad is not actually calling the shots in Iran, as he said we must “get the Ayatollahs to change their minds” about acquiring a nuclear weapon. I have to wonder that if Mr. Ryan is as clueless as Sarah Palin was about foreign affairs when she was running on the McCain ticket.  Does he even realize that Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons and could destroy Iran easily if it wanted should Iran be so foolish (which they are not) as to launch a nuclear strike against Israel ?  The true strength that a nuclear weapon would yield Iran is protection from invasion and elevated leverage in the region.  Two arguments that are also probably true are that a nuclear armed Iran might be more emboldened in it’s support of proxy terrorist groups, and that there might be an escalated nuclear arms race in the Middle East. However, what we always hear from right wing republican neo-cons in this country is the same old wolf cry of immediate threat of a nuclear attack from a Muslim  country as a pre-text to another so called “pre-emptive” war. Also, right wingers in this country are quick to frighten us about a nuclear arms race starting, when in fact it has been going on in the Middle East for sometime.  Israel was the first to start the race, followed by India and Pakistan.  Don’t expect Mr. Romney or Mr. Ryan to realize much of any of this, as it’s probably the only rhetoric they were in possession of before the crash course in foreign policy they must now surely be getting.

Due to Mr. Romney’s lack of interest, knowledge or vision for U.S. foreign policy, expect to hear about President Obama’s so called “apology tour” myth that was generated by the Fox Propaganda News Network earlier in his presidency.  Expect to hear more accusations of a bad response to the attack that killed our ambassador in Libya this past September 11.  Accusations, like  we heard from Romney in the last debate, about Mr. Obama failing to use the word terrorism about the attack the next day (when in fact he did use the term).  This is more phony outrage that the Romney camp in conjunction with the talking heads at Fox are trying to generate as a way to exploit this tragedy as some kind of evidence that the Obama Administration is somehow weak against terrorism.

Don’t expect Mr. Romney to remind viewers that he was against assisting our allies in deposing of the lifetime terrorist Muammar Kaddafi in Libya any more than he will remind viewers of his position on going after Bin Laden.

I am expecting, as I am sure the Obama team is anticipating, questions regarding the use of increased drone strikes in the region, particularly those targeting U.S. citizens who have defected by going abroad to become terrorists against the United States.  I doubt Mr. Romney will have much to say, unless it is to appear more hawkish than the president by threatening to use drone strikes within the U.S.  He just doesn’t seem to have opinions of his own, except to talk tougher than our current leader.

Syria is another topic of great interests, as the civil war and the rising humanitarian and refugee crisis continues, but this is an area in which both candidates have said relatively little.  John McCain, who seems eager to draw the United States into every armed conflict possible, has shot off at the mouth in criticism of the Obama Administration’s policy towards Syria so far, but it will be more interesting to hear Mr. Obama discuss this topic in more depth.  There are a few other tough questions that can be directed at Mr. Obama, such as Guantanamo Bay still being open after he pledged to close it, or the left in place Bush policies that threaten the civil liberties of Americans in our quest for safety from all acts of terror – an impossible task, but one that most Americans seem at least complacent in letting continue.

Mr. Romney recently suggested that the Obama Administration’s policy towards the Arab Spring was one of reaction than of shaping.  This makes Mr. Romney seem as naive as Sarah Palin when she complained that we didn’t know who would replace Kaddafi, as if revolutions in foreign lands were simply a decision that the U.S. makes for other people and has complete control over.  The fact is that the Arab Spring is larger than any nation can control.  It is a complex reshaping of the Middle East in the lands of people that have been repressed from brutal dictators and religious extremism over the past several decades, both dictators that we have supported as an ally and fought as a former allies.  What would Mr. Romney’s answer to the Arab Spring be, to work with the new leadership of these countries, whatever their budding democracies or warring societies produce, or pick a new bad guy as we have in the past, such as Saddam Hussein and others ?

We will see tomorrow night that Mr. Romney has nothing to add to a discussion of national security and foreign policy, other than a cynical attempt to exploit the recent attacks and murder of our ambassador and the turmoil and uncertainty of the region in general.

Foreign policy is Mr. Obama’s strong suit, with a successful record to stand by and a real vision to fulfill.  Let’s hope he continues to go after Mitt Romney with the same veracity as he did in the last debate.




Hail to the Chief !

I am one fired up liberal and Obama supporter today.  President Barack Obama came back and delivered a dogged defeat to Mr. Romney after suffering a stinging loss in the first debate. Mr. Obama delivered his knockout performance in the arena of the town hall format debate, a typically more polite setting than the other debates.  This time the town hall audience got ring side seats to an awesome  clash of the titans of the two men  fighting for the highest and most powerful office in our country.  And the rest of the 65 million of us who watched last night’s debate got one hell of a show, rich in subsistence, raw determination, and passion.  It was a heavyweight rematch, and it was thrilling to watch President Obama thoroughly  come back and repeatedly hit Mr. Romney for his lies about what he is really about, and in the last minute of the last round, get in the most devastating blow that he somehow missed in the first debate by bringing up the 47 percent hidden video of how Mr. Romney really feels about everyone not rich like himself.  It was a jaw ringing, knockout uppercut with the resounding last word. I am ecstatic, excited, relieved,  and grateful for the president for taking this liar to task and exposing him.

Anyone with political interests and passion at this point that have watched all the debates, who is being objective and honest, regardless of the side they want to win, knows that President Barack Obama won this debate hands  down with the razor sharp clarity he is best known for when he shines his best,  with style, strength, and truth.

Anyone who doubts that the Fox Propaganda News Channel is not fair and balanced, should simply observe how they react when they think their guy has won, which is always joy and taunting of the polls when they go their way, and denial and blame when they don’t.  Last week they were whining about Joe Biden being a bully, and this week they were whining about the moderator.  Whaaa whaaa, whaaa, what a bunch of super hypocritical whiners.  When the Fox  Propaganda Channel loses, they start the bullshit spin machine in high gear. And whenever they start outright lying like they did today about Mr. Obama and the moderator’s so called “fact checking on the spot” that was whined about, which was true but falsely reported as not true today by the laughing stock of so called journalism, the dipshits and professional assholes at Fox.

Mr. Obama appropriately displayed anger during the debate about Mr.  Romney’s comments in the press and the debate claiming that Mr. Obama somehow didn’t care,or  had neglected the security needs of the ambassador that was just killed in Libya, Ted Stevens.  He called Mr. Romney’s comments “offensive” with that eye to eye stare that was sincere and genuine, and I’m surprised, not said before now.  This makes his statement obviously sincere, as this president unfortunately suppresses his ‘angry’ side so often, earning him the knick name ‘No Drama Obama.’  Although this way of dealing with things serves him extremely well, making him a level headed, laser focused and committed president ,  all of the American people needed to see the passion behind his precision,  and he delivered, thanks to his wonderful advisers’ expert coaching and President Obama’s willingness to admit, sometimes to a fault,  when he ‘screwed up.’

Even though he had the overwhelming truth on his side the first time, but lost in the unfortunate arena of a mass media political theater, including tolerating a public liar, this time he took masterful control of the format and the American people.

I salute him and his team and hope for our future security, he wins.

Here is my choice for victory song and video, hope you jam to this and enjoy my blog, and feel free to share with your friends :








Holy Shit

Obama kicked ass, commentary to follow ! ! !

Three o’clock in the morning courage

I bet I’m not the only one medicating my nerves right about now with a glass of comfort, be it beer, wine or liquor in the Obama camp, or whatever caffeine and alcohol free beverage the former governor of Massachusetts drinks. It’s that two a.m. fear that keeps you up at night.  But what we need is that three a.m. courage from President Obama to take off of the gloves and kick his opponent in the balls before he beats him to a pulp with his bare hands.

I think everyone knows that in their last debate, President Obama somehow tied both of his hands behind his back before taking on Governor Romney.  It appears from subsequent press that it was Barrack Obama who overruled his debate handlers and advisers in how much time to commit to his debate prep and how aggressively to pursue his opponent.  I can imagine that as being president after almost four years, and reading  uncountable briefs of all kinds and things related to the presidency, that any incumbent might feel that debate preparation is like studying for a test they already know all the answers to.  And, after having been the CEO or at least most important person in a room full of experts as the president is, it is understandable for a president to be thrown slightly off footing by a jack-ass standing beside you and spewing lies.  Even with the truth on his side, Obama now realizes that is not enough when debating a practiced and meticulous, cynical and willing to say anything bullshitter like Mitt Romney.  I expect Mr. Obama to come out swinging, and I think the only thing that will make him cautious, is the format of the so called ‘town hall,’ where citizens asks questions.  Typically, candidates are expected to ‘connect’ with the public in this artificial setting, where the audiences’s pre-screened, often non-illuminating questions are asked.  It is not the best setting for a rematch.  But I hope Obama loses his politeness and makes a case directly to the audience that he says what he means and means what he says, and that the new stooge on the stage, Mitt Romney, is a conman trying to pull off a snow job about what he’s really about.

In the same way that the proverbial defendant who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client, Mr. Obama screwed up, perhaps fatally, and that is what is keeping us up tonight, isn’t it ?

As I have read different papers over the past week and seen snippets of interviews with Barrack Obama and his senior campaign officials, as well as observed the Obama team’s political expertise and instincts over the years, I am confident of two things.  One, that Obama’s team, his advisers and political brains that have served him well and made possible his rise to power – had a better, more aggressive strategy towards the first debate envisioned and that Obama overrode it; and that two, Obama himself knows this and realizes it completely and wants nothing more than to put down this liar and  bully in the park, Mr. Full of Shit Romney.

This gives me faith that President Obama will come out with some verbal martial arts with the right fight strategy, as he knows what is at stake and how close he came to being knocked out after almost having the fight won.

This time he will listen to his advisers and supporters who have been so disappointed at his first debate performance.  I get the impression that he doesn’t like debates, and I understand that they are a somewhat of a dramatic jousting of words, especially when broadcast for a wide American audience that is greater in numbers than the political base on either side. It is understandable that an incumbent president get so focused on the actual governing of a country that they minimalize the importance of politics.  But to do this is to lose to site of everything  that got you where you are, especially the voters.

Voters like a president who landed on an air craft carrier with a real fighter pilot driving, who walked out on a ship with a sign that read, extremely prematurely, “mission accomplished.”

Voters like a president who says “wanted, dead or alive,”

but voters today like even more a president who walks noisily and carries a big stick, and a  president who actually delivers on those things as Obama has done, in contrast to the former president and tough-talker George W. or an opponent like Mitt Romney, who said he wouldn’t go after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan or move “heaven and earth” and “spend billions of dollars” to get one man.

Because of Obama’s first debate which should have sealed his re-election, as opposed to the October surprise that was his stinging defeat, President Obama must now win decisively tonight and on the last debate.  I am still biting my nails, but going to bed with the confidence that the same team that led Joe Biden to a debate victory last week will lead Obama to a come back victory this week.

See you on the other side.




What a stellar and impressive performance from Vice President Joe Biden tonight, as he lived up to my hopes and I’m sure to the hopes of all Obama/Biden supporters everywhere, which was to cut through all the “malarkey” as he called it – lies and bullshit as I call it – and passionately explain and clarify the Obama Administration’s record , values, policy, and vision for all of America, not just the top 1 percent.

Biden had the truth on his side,wore it confidently, and as he was let off the leash, so to speak, showed his teeth and willingness to bite in what I’m already betting republican spin-masters are going to call a smirk or mock or faked laugh.

It was Joe Biden feeling my pain. It was all he could do to contain himself to not rip the hide off of the lying jack-ass before him.

I think he won this debate decisively from every angle, and as I displayed in my opinion of President Obama’s performance of the first debate, I am honest and fair in my assessment.

Thank you Joe, and take notes Obama, this is the way it needs to be done, Thank you for readjusting the election Mr. Biden, I couldn’t want to give anyone a sloppy victory bear-hug anymore than I want to give you right now.

You have my howling approval, A+ !

Here’s my victory soundtrack and video for us 99 percent tonight, enjoy !



We’re counting on you, Joe

Here we are liberals, a week later, still licking our wounds a little, but salivating for revenge. Disappointed by President Obama’s weak showing in the first debate last week with Mitt Romney, and at times frustrated to the point of anger at his seeming unwillingness to call Mitt Romney out for what he is: a serial liar who will tell anyone what he thinks it is they want to hear at the moment.  We aree now depending on Joe Biden on steroids to convince the Joe the Six Packs of the country of the truth.

If Paul Ryan performs anything like Mitt Romney did last week, viewers will not get the truth about what the Romney/Ryan ticket really wants, which is a 5 trillion dollar tax cut over ten years, which will benefit mostly the wealthy; the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obama-care), the gutting of federal spending on all things domestic, including severe cuts to medicaid  and the beginning of the dismantling of medicare to be replaced with a voucher system. Amazingly, infuriatingly, Mitt Romney stood on the same stage as the president of the United States last week, and preceded to pretend that he didn’t believe in any of the things that he has spent the last year and half campaigning on. He did this by lying, and although using the word “lie” when referring to a presidential opponent might be seen as impolite, un-presidential or severe, there is simply no other word for the bullshit coming out of Mr. Romney’s mouth last week. He directly contradicted his own statements and policies that he has spent his entire campaign running on, choosing to say that under his healthcare plan, which doesn’t exist by the way, that pre-existing conditions are covered. This is not true, and right after the debate his campaign was quick to clarify that, after the majority of debate viewers had already tuned out for the night. Mitt Romney only favors covering pre-existing conditions for people who have continuous coverage – the status quo that we already have. Mitt Romney said his tax plan is revenue neutral. That’s impossible and he knows it and is lying. He has repeatedly called for cutting all income tax rates by 20 percent across the board, and cutting the capital gains tax rate (the one that allows him to make 30 million a year and only pay a 14 percent tax rate), and that this will not cost 5 trillion over ten years, which non-partisan tax policy experts have calculated it costing. He claims he will get rid of the tax loopholes to make it revenue neutral, yet he won’t specify what those loopholes are, claiming that he’ll work out those details with the congress. Those details can’t be worked out because there aren’t enough loopholes in the tax code to make up those cuts. Most tax deductions that would have to be cut under his plan are mortgage tax relief, with a huge chunk that would affect middle class home owners. He also repeated the lie that he would strengthen medicare without admitting it was a voucher plan that would give vouchers for seniors to buy health insurance that would cost much more than the vouchers would be worth. He repeated the lie that Obama cut 700 billion from medicare to pay for Obama-care. An outright lie, as they only cut government subsidies to insurance companies that were ripping off taxpayers, and put that savings toward’s seniors’ prescription drug coverage that was never funded under George. W. Bush when it was expanded.

Paul Ryan likes to refer to himself as a policy “wonk,” but I hope Joe Biden calls him a policy “wank” because Mr. Ryan is doing nothing but jerking voters around when he claims his tax plan is revenue neutral.  When pressed by Chris Wallace on the Fox Propaganda News Network for the cost of his tax plan, the wank said it would take too long to go over the math.  That’s because he’d have to invent new mathematical rules to make his fairy tale work out of cutting taxes for everybody while not costing the government 5 trillion over ten years.  Mr. Ryan has a budget he authored and passed in the house, and Catholic Bishops have written a formal letter to Mr. Ryan, who is himself a Catholic, saying that the Church viewed the federal budget as a moral document, and this budget was immoral, since it gave generously to the wealthy in tax cuts, and paid for it on the backs of the most the most vulnerable in our society It’s Christian values turned upside down, and not surprisingly, this hypocrisy comes from some of the most vociferous conservatives.

I wanna see Vice President Biden take the lying, phony smiling policy wank Paul Ryan to the woodshed and spank him with the truth, brutally, forcefully, articulately.  Mr. Obama last week may have been baffled by Mitt Romney’s boldface lies, but hopefully he and his team have taken the week to realize their mistakes of not forcefully pointing out how full of shit Mr. Romney is, and how bad their true plans for this country are.

I also wanna hear Joe bring up the 47 percent hidden video of Mr. Romney saying what he really thinks of all government programs and beneficiaries.  He needs to hang that video and true intentions of Mitt Romney around Paul Ryan’s neck, and he needs to hang Paul Ryan’s own immoral budget around his neck.

Please, Joe, don’t let us down.  Don’t let him get away with lying and deceiving the American people into voting against their own best interest like Mr. Romney skillfully got away with last week.  We are all counting on you.


OMG or WTF I am lacking in titles, what happened, Obama ?

This blog comes a few hours after the first Presidential Debate, so what follows is my immediate reaction, which I wanted to get down right away. Forgive me for any grammatical or spelling errors, I am going straight to press after this blog is finished and there is no time for 3rd round proof reads.

If there were any question that Obama is a Christian, it should be fully confirmed tonight in the president’s willingness to turn the other cheek, time and time again, to slaps of distortion, outright lies, and outright promises of miracles if only we would trust Mitt Romney. Here’s the catch though, American Christians may be many things, but when it comes to politics, one thing they are not is willing to turn the other cheek, when slapped, undeservedly. Mr. Obama and his team seemed through some convoluted strategy to miss this basic point, and it showed in the debate tonight. What’s frustrating is that he and his team were willing to cast stones and level accusations about Mr. Romney’s business practices of the past in the form of television ads, but President Obama seemed determined instead to hang on the cross and accept Mr. Romney’s stabs of lies and distortion, without a full throttle rebuttal. This could cost him the election if he is not careful.

The Obama campaign made great strides in labeling Mr. Romney for the corporate raiding, crook that he was at Bain Capital, in the early months of the campaign. This was a strategy that republicans used well when George W. Bush ran against Kerry, which was to attempt to define the challenger to the nation before the challenger had the opportunity to define himself. This strategy relies upon the incumbent president to have a positive approval rating, or close to it, to persuade voters to trust the devil they know as compared to the one they don’t. The Obama camp took this republican strategy, a winning one, in the beginning, and then the most beautiful thing happened, what should have been and Ace in the hole, what should have been Mitt Romney’s fatal mistake, a game changer, happened. A video of him was released, of months earlier, at a fund raiser for his campaign, as deriding 47 percent of America as government dependent, and thinking that they are ‘entitled’ (he used this word in an exasperated manner) to healthcare, to food, to housing, to everything.  How dare people in the wealthiest country in the world.

The Obama campaign put this in their tv ads. Polls were on Obama’s side. Why did they think it was ok not mention this in the first debate ?

With President Obama not mentioning this at all in the debate, it has the appearance that he is is comfortable letting his surrogates trash his opponent, but that he either doesn’t have the guts to stand by them, or that he allows his surrogates and campaign to spread distortions, as Mitt Romney did and still does. Either way, at this point in the game, it is a losing strategy.  He loses credibility if it doesn’t doesn’t follow up on his campaign’s attacks in the debate, face to face with the man who wants his job and face to face with the liar and denier he has much more forcefully labeled in speeches and ads recently.

The ‘attack’ ads that the Obama campaign have released are relevant, accurate and convincing.

Here are, off the top of my head and I am sure there are many more of these fresh  off the top of the heads’ and tongues  of many newspaper and tv pundits I am sure,  some things that should have been said, or incorporated into President Obama’ theme, etc that should be no brainers:

With regards to the final question of the role of government, this should have been a home run for Obama, it was an under-handed, easy soft ball pitch straight across the plate. He should have said something like

“Mr. Romney has made his opinion of government’s role clear. He also made it clear his opinion of people who benefit from things like medicare  social security, medicaid, veteran’s benefits, the poor, all children enrolled in public education, as well as the the firemen and policemen of the communities,and the people who build the roads, the infrastructure, the power grid.  He calls this 47 percent, consisting of our aunts, uncles, grandmother and fathers, ‘dependent’ and as people who view themselves as victims.  With all due respect, he is either ignorant and out of touch, or just plain and simply only cares for him and his small circle of friends and billionaire donors – as he said in his owns words on the tape.  I represent all people.”

“Mr. Romney keeps referring to these mysterious or ‘to be worked out with congress’ details on what deductions he would use to simplify and make the tax code fair for everybody.  Well Mr. Romney, you are as vague on these details about your tax plan for the future as you are for your own tax records the past ten years; you only show us what looks good.   Are you talking about mortgage relief and college tuition deductions that impact the middle class the hardest, and which all independent analysis say is impossible not to include in the loopholes  you speak of,  to meet your rosy assumptions of loophole closing , or are you talking about the tax havens, loopholes, accounting tricks, foreign bank accounts, or other tools that the top one percent     including you presumably, utilize ?”

“You called your running mate’s budget plan, ‘marvelous.’  Your words, and his plan, one of the few detailed plans we can attach to you, imposes draconian cuts on the middle class and on down, and it seeks to dismantle medicare and social security by starving them of revenue. The recent panel of top bishops in the Catholic Church, recently wrote in a letter to Paul Ryan that they considered the federal budget a moral document, and siting his budget, and he a Catholic as well, as failing their criteria, and placing an undo portion of sacrifice in our country on those that were the most vulnerable, the ones who Jesus said, “blessed are the poor.”  In Mr. Romney’s world, it’s a sin being poor, and the middle class is a tough place to aspire to and a tough place to live in.”

“You would repeal Obama care the first day ?  What part offends you the most ? Of course, you keep changing your answer as the race goes along- from abolishing all if it, as you said in the (insert tv clip I’ve seen), or what you are saying now, which you have a well documented history of changing your past answers to whatever is the immediate answer of what you think your immediate audience wants to hear.  It was adopted from ‘Romney Care’, which wasn’t about states setting their own rules, but about government coming up with a common sense problem.  Now, to satisfy the far right in your party, you have denounced common sense, even it it was partly your idea to begin with.  Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up ?

“Why do you keep emphasizing that people currently on medicare needn’t fear of your plan because their benefits from medicare won’t change, only for their sons and daughters  that are also voting. Is it because you don’t won’t them to realize that your are not strengthening medicare, but actually replacing it with Voucher Care?  I’ll stick with Obama Care, which strengthens medicare, not replaces it with a voucher system that will always leave seniors with a voucher that will be worth less than the cost of private insurance ”

“Why do you keep outright lying that I somehow stole 716 billion from medicare?  You, every fact checker, every serious republican columnist  knows that this is not true.  Yes, you do sir, this is a deliberate distortion on your part, and your own running mate proposed similar savings to medicare, without strengthening it, and with the intention of turning it  into Voucher Care.”

“I am proposing giving tax incentives to companies that don’t out-source, which you know as former CEO at Bain Capital  are currently highly profitable, with tax codes and hidden off-shore accounts that you may or may not have taken advantages of not just because of the slave labor conditions that your former company has been revealed  recently to have taunted in the past,  as an incentive to American investors,.  But how can we know ?  You talk of the nobility of capitalism and free enterprise but the truth is you want as little of your personal finances made known as possible, hence your continued refusal to disclose them – despite everyone else having done so,  because you are a champion of out-sourcing and corporate wealth, not economic patriotism, which what I am proposing.”

I could go on, and I am sure liberal pundits, columnists, and conservative spin doctors  alike will do, on what you should have said.

So I will close with some principles for the next debate, as I am sure the Obama team are more than familiar with all the quotes or near quotes I have promoted above but still offer as an example.

You must go on the attack.  The attacks in your tv ads are correct, effective, and should be used going ‘forward’ as they have been up until this point.  I heard David Plouffe, White House Senior Adviser tonight, saying something to the effects that Mitt Romney’s 47 percent video was well known, and that they were promoting what they were at their convention .  News flash to the Obama campaign which should have already known:  this is a fight for the power and future of the United States of America, and you just lost the first round.  You thought it was a continuation of your pre-fight hype.  It wasn’t.  Come out swinging, the truth is on your side, but the undecided electorate will not know that, especially if you keep letting a man stand beside you, challenging your managing position of this country, bullshit and bullshit without you calling him out on it, vocally, confidently, authoritatively.


John McCain and Other Fools Who Would Lead us to War with Iran

The United States right now is currently under intense diplomatic and political pressure from Israel to go to war with Iran on Israel’s behalf, or side by side.  The Israelis, who themselves are estimated to possess at least 200 nuclear weapons and as many as 400, seem hell bent on launching attacks against Iran’s nuclear facilities, which are enriching uranium but believed by most intelligence officials to be a few years away from actually making a weapon — if they are even planning to do so, which remains unknown.

The Obama Administration and the European Union have already launched harsh sanctions against Iran, sanctions that amount to economic warfare against Iran and it’s people.  These sanctions are threatening the world economy as well, as speculation in  the oil market and higher oil and gasoline prices come with horrible timing as Europe’s economy is facing another recession and our own economy is struggling to recover.

For Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu however, this is not enough.  He is meeting with President Obama this Monday in Washington, where the talks are of course expected to be dominated by the Iranian nuclear issue.  All major news papers and sources indicated that Netanyahu isn’t happy with Mr. Obama’s  words that all options against Iran are on the table.  He want’s a more specific military threat, wants it to happen before the sanctions even play out, and isn’t happy with the United States urging Israel to not attack Iran by themselves soon.

The bottom line is that Israel alone wants the United States to engage in another “preemptive war” with a Muslim country over weapons of mass destruction they do not yet even have.

And Israel has sympathetic, blind followers in congress, such as Senator John McCain, who besides being a sore loser and constant critic of Obama, recently visited Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, and came back complaining that we were not in complete unison and agreement with Israel’s  war lust.  He was quoted in the New York Times as saying “there is clearly significant tension that now exists on how to approach this whole issue,” adding, “There should be no daylight between America and Israel in our assessment of the threat.”

Really, Mr. McCain, no daylight at all between our sovereign nation and Israel when it comes to entering yet another war?

Perhaps John McCain should run for office to be the next Prime Minister of Israel  instead of remaining a sore loser to President Obama and cheerleader for more war on Israel’s behalf.  John McCain and the other U.S. senators who seem to be more interested in Israel’s best interests instead of their own country’s should look in the mirror and re-examine their own patriotism, and be stop being a clown posse for a country with no strategic value to the United States of America.  Haven’t we had enough of these neo-cons leading us into unnecessary war?

Let’s hope Barack Obama and his advisers don’t cave into the political pressure and saber rattling of a few fools.