Cowards and Liars: From Fox to Slick Willy

Bill Clinton mad


Sure, the website for Obama Care is a screw-up, but this technical issue will be fixed and the Affordable Care Act will move forward and prove to be far superior to the denial-of-care-and-for-profit system that the corrupt insurance companies wrote the law for in the past.  In the mean time, a continued campaign of mis-information and lies is spewed on the airwaves of right-wing talk radio, and of course, the mega-phone of propaganda, FOX.  Not helping the cause of truth and affordable health care for all is the ever increasingly pathetic and declining broadcast television news.  Most of the impotent and sensationalized pundits on the major networks have reduced themselves into becoming a genuine, neutral referee who’s job it is is to keep the non-sense fight of the smoke and mirrors of politics in a constant state of equal debate about bullshit.  The could care less about the truth, they are all about “equal time” and “fair and balanced.”  This translates into giving more than is deserved time to lies, propaganda, misinformation, smoke, mirrors, and smelly horseshit to an argument that is easily debunked, if the media were not so interested in merely parroting non-sense back and forth.

Now we have even the so-called “liberal” media continuing to obsess and attack and criticize Obama Care because President Obama said when promoting the new law that if you liked your health insurance, you would be able to keep it when the new law went into effect.  What has happened now is that what is known as “junk insurance”, the fraudulent pieces of shit that have been until now allowed to be sold as health insurance, no longer meet the new federal standards of what health insurance covers. So if you bought some piece of shit health insurance before because it was all you could afford, and if you got sick this crap wouldn’t have done you any good, is no longer legal.  Now any insurance you buy will have to cover a new federal list of minimum  requirements.  If you get sick, you will be covered.  Unlike the bullshit you had before.  And these insurance companies are sending out notices to these holders of junk insurance telling them that because of Obama Care, their insurance is being cancelled.  Yes, it is, but because it really doesn’t cover you if you get sick.  It is no longer legal, it is now legally fraud to pose to you as health insurance.

The original argument which prompted President Obama to assure people that if they liked their insurance, they could keep it, was the fear-mongering campaign warning people of the coming “socialized” health care that would force happy holders of fantastic insurance policies out of their good private plan and into an inferior government plan.  That was the false narrative that Obama was responding people to.  Now, technically, some people with shitty insurance will now have to get new insurance, because the insurance they are losing was always shitty and overpriced and now they will have better options.  On top of that, most of the holders of this junk insurance are lower income earners, and will qualify for government subsidies under Obama Care and will get real insurance that meets the new, better federal standards, at a more affordable rate.

This is all easily explained and accessed for anyone curious about the truth or concerned with the moral obligation and real need to provide health care for all in our country. The mainstream media knows this and is either too actively engaged like FOX Propaganda News, or too sensationalized like the rest in TV Land, but  former President Bill Clinton, is smart enough to know this, and does know this.  What baffles me is why he just did an interview in which he said President Obama should honor is prior commitment to let people keep their insurance if they were happy with it.  House republicans are drafting a cynical bill to let people keep this insurance they are supposedly happy with, which means that they are still attempting sneak attack legislation to weaken Obama Care and delay it.  This legislation won’t allow people “happy” with their plans to keep a good deal, it will exploit the victims of bullshit insurance into continuing to pay for a policy that will essentially be worthless if they keep it and actually need it.  It is a give-away, and an extension to the corrupt insurance companies to continue to take money for a policy that is absolutely not “insurance.”  President Clinton is undermining President Obama and the Affordable Care Act by this stupid and asinine public statement.  Former and Wishes He Still Was President Clinton, Red Nosed Professional, Phony Liberal Bullshitter, has gone on the public record supporting the republicans plan to keep junk insurance alive longer and undermine Obama Care, and who know’s why?

Personally, Slick Willy, I don’t give a shit what your motives are, if any.  Whether you are just displaying your selfish tendencies and thinking you’ll be helping your wife out later down the road by claiming that you were against Obama on some things, or if you were just talking out of your ass, which some off the cuff statements you have made in recent years suggest you are capable of, either way — you need to shut your trap if you can’t be truthful and support affordable health care for all and the President when you know damn well he was not being dishonest.  You of all people.



Cheers! Thank you, President Obama and Democrats

Obama beer toastChalk up a big win for the American people, President Obama and the Democrats, they finally stood up to the unethical and un-American Republicans, and won an important victory for the future of the democratic process in this country.  Unable to accept the normal legislative process of passing laws by majority rule, and unable to accept defeat in the elections and the public arena of debate, the republicans threw a 24 billion dollar temper tantrum that hurt the country and the economy, and in the end, got nothing for it except exposed for the truly rotten sons of bitches that they are.

Not only did republicans shut down the government because they lost the legislative battle, Supreme Court Battle, and presidential reelection battle over Obama Care, they took us to the brink of defaulting for the first time in history, up until yesterday evening, with John Boehner, their head clown, finally allowing a virtually clean vote to re-open the government and raise the debt ceiling.  World markets, leaders and economies grew ever more anxious as the deadline for raising the debt ceiling loomed, with a potential global recession about to created by a handful of ignorant, hateful, tea bagging republican congressmen.  A minority of American politicians were able to shut down the government and threaten to sabotage the entire global economy in an illegitimate effort to de-fund the Affordable Care Act.  And the insanity of this was their leverage.  They assumed that the President, being an intelligent and responsible leader, and democrats, also caring of the country and the consequences, would simply back down and pay the ransom.  Since this deplorable stunt had been pulled once before and the president and democrats capitulated to some degree, these hostage takers grew more bold.  President Obama rightly saw this time as the necessary time to stop this destructive pattern in it’s tracks, before it became a normal way of governing, with the minority ultimately getting their way not through elections and the legislative process, but through extortion and sabotage.  They were already doing it in the Senate with the abuse of the fillibuster, but this scorched earth policy became the House of Clown’s more lethal weapon.

Thank you President Obama, thank you Harry Reid (you still need to get rid of the fillibuster), and thank you democrats in both the Senate and the House for staying united and standing up to the bully minority party of assholes for a change.  Gerrymandering, fear mongering, hate-mongering, misinformation, right wing radio, and Fox Propaganda News Channel have cultivated the seeds to bring us such undeserving elected republican clowns like John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachman, Eric Cantor, Mark Rubio, Rand Paul, and Steve King, to name just a few of the recognizable assholes on tv that make you wanna bang your head into a fence post and ask “how? why? how?”

And this time, even the slight and casual news consumer came to pay attention to politics.  The polls that came out last week by the Wall Street Journal revealed that an overwhelming majority of Americans knew who were to blame for the shutdown.  The president did a great job of explaining the truth in the beginning, and continuing to communicate the importance of not governing by crisis and hostage taking.  The republicans showed everyone but their most ardent supports and a few misguided voters their true character of selfishness and real values.  Their real values are not Christian, they are not compassionate, they are not fiscally conservative.  They are calloused, and represent the interests of the super wealthy and tiny percent of our society.  They favor profit over healthcare, and corporations over people.

I sincerely hope the president and democrats have learned the value of standing up with some spine when you know the truth is on your side.  This proves that if the republicans really wanna play hardball and show Americans what being a republican really is, all the democrats have to do is stand up against them, and explain the truth.  The majority will understand, a large minority of tribal right wing partisans will disagree no matter what; but the good guys, the middle class and the poor will win.  And the rich scoundrels like Mitt Romney and his piss-ant army of radical tea bagging republicans will lose.


Republican Liars Continue Their Tantrum; Obama and Reid do the Necessary

Boehner and Reid

We have entered the second week of the government shutdown brought to us by the selfishness and stupidity of the republicans, led by the lying Weeper of the House, John Boehner.  He continues to stomp his feet and throw cry-baby temper tantrums about how the president just isn’t being fair.  To hear the way republican Senator Rand Paul told it on the Sunday morning talk programs, they have been trying really hard to compromise with a mean President Obama who is ruling like a tyrant.  These two liars, Rand Paul and John Boehner, along with their new buddy Ted Cruz, the serial killer-looking new junior Senator and Dr. Seuss fan from the great and politically screwed up state of Texas, are attempting to actually have us believe that they are just doing the will of the American people, they are shutting down the government and threatening to default on bills soon for the first time in history because President Obama is a tyrant and the democrats don’t want to compromise.

I’ve really had to refrain from throwing my shoe at the plasma tv and breaking it when I hear these clowns stand there on national tv and tell one bold face lie after another about what they are doing.  “Lets be clear” Ted Cruz kept repeating on Meet the Press the first Sunday of the shutdown.  We can now safely determine that in republican lies and propaganda, “lets be clear” translates into “let me lie with a straight face.”

What makes me want to throw a beer can at the tv when I’m not wearing shoes is when I then hear the pathetic “journalist” on tv pretend that the liar before them may have a point.  The reporter, instead of trying to get at the truth, which sometimes require you to call a fact a fact and a lie a lie, merely bounces back what the other ‘side’ is saying.  Thus they are a useless parrot most of the time, acting as a go-between mouthpiece for politicians on both sides, merely repeating back both sides and then wondering why we have divided country. And this is the so called neutral dipshits of CNN and the other “neutrals.”  Fox of course continues their never ending promotion of republican propaganda, coordinating their talking points to that of the G.O.P.  They are a joke to begin with.  Unfortunately, the joke is on us as we have a large base of low information voters who do watch Fox and take it for news.  That shows year after year in media polls where Fox viewers are consistently shown to be less informed on actual facts.  This has been proven year after year since George W. first invaded Iraq, and Fox viewers continued to think Saddam Hussein had a direct link to 911, years after all the facts came out and disproved it.  Their number 2 asshole Bill O’Reily continues to call himself an independent.  Greta Van Sustran continues to pretend to be a liberal who came to Fox Propaganda Channel to be “fair and balanced” instead of selling out her soul for a face job that didn’t really help.  Sean Hannity continues to be their number 1 asshole, but Bill tries really hard to catch him.  Their morning crew continues to pretend to not be Rupert Murdoch’s brain damaged  nephews and nieces that he gave a job to as a joke.  Ironically, MSNBC, who is a liberal news channel that admits to being a political channel of liberal opinions and liberal talk shows, provides the most facts among the major networks that I have seen.  They may be partial, but they are accurate.  Fox lies, and CNN and the other pathetic lot just parrot the lies, bullshit and propaganda that politicians give them.

And the result of an American public that relies too heavily on television news to get it’s political information is a low information voter base that is easily manipulated, and a polarized, tribal group of conservatives who have lost their minds and are about as easy to reason with as a fence post.

Thankfully, so far, President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are doing what is absolutely necessary in the face of the government sabotage being carried on by a small group of gerrymandered jerk-offs in the republican controlled House.  It is necessary to preserve the way our democracy is supposed to function.  Let me put it simple so as to be clear to all you Ted Cruz, Tea Bag Party folks out there who love clarity:  the basic concept is a representative government, elected by the majority of us, to enact and enforce laws within a Constitutional system.   Laws are debated, and then voted on by this elected majority who won their elections by a majority vote (usually: not with Gore and George W.)  ObamaCare was debated, fought, compromized, watered down, delayed, but voted on by the House, the  Senate, and signed into law by the president.  It was debated again in the last presidential election, it was a center piece issue and clear choice: vote Romney to repeal, vote Obama to keep.  Even the voter paying the least amount of attention knew this.  Obama won reelection.  Now, the minority party, who didn’t win the votes in the legislative process, or the presidential election, or the Supreme Court lawsuit they tried to have it struck down with, now these people are using monkey business to hurt the lives hundreds of thousands of Americans by shutting down the government.  They are saying that since they didn’t get their way through the democratic process, they will try to sabotage the entire government and the country until we decide to “compromise” and give the cry-babies the candy that they want, which is the old way of allowing the health insurance companies to take your money and deny you care for their profit.  Plain and simple.  Give the thieves back their gold, let your children and population die of untreated illness.

Under these circumstances, what kind of leader would Obama be if he allowed this new way of governing by manufactured crisis continue?  It’s been bad enough with a gridlocked Senate due to republican fillibusters prohibiting a simple majority from ruling. Now we have a minority in the house shutting down the government in a back door effort to get the health care law they want, not the one that won in the legislative process.

And now, these farces of responsible lawmakers are claiming that denying the U.S. Treasury the ability to pay for bills that the congress has already incurred if they don’t get their way on health care legislation, is a legitimate tactic as well!  Despite the financial and economic meltdown that economists are saying this could trigger, these ignorant son-of-a-bitches are actually threatening that as backup to the plan of the shutdown getting them their way.  So they are doubling down on  extreme ignorance and lack of concern for the welfare of the country.  Ted Cruz said it was legitimate to use the debt ceiling as a negotiating tool on future legislation.  This phony sack of shit knows better, he is an educated man.  He is just happy to lie through his creepy face that defaulting on America’s already incurred debt in order to get what his minority party wants in the future is legitimate, and the fault of the democrats and President Obama for not compromising.

I’m tired of hearing that line of bullshit, and I’m tired of the media not doing a better job of explaining the process, and that the republicans are attempting to change the legislative process through sabotaging the government by refusing to pass a budget or pay it’s debts.

I’m thankful that President Obama and Senator Reid are holding strong in the face of the suffering that the extreme in the republican House of Clowns are causing the country.  We know that Obama and Harry Reid don’t want the American people to suffer because of republican shenanigans, as they compromised way too much in the past and gave in to past republican hostage taking.  It appears that they have learned that if you negotiate with the minority of republicans under the threat and weight of sabotage, that the swine will continue to do it.  Especially since they can’t win in the elections anymore when the issues are stark and clear.  Otherwise, we’d have elected Mitt Romney.  Thank god we didn’t.  I just hope Obama and Reid and the democrats remain united in standing down this republican temper tantrum that is damaging the country, so it’s the last time we have to do it for awhile.  So far, the White House has done a good job of explaining the situation in terms that are easily understandable and true, and President Obama has led that charge with daily pressure.  Bravo.

I plan on continuing to let people know exactly who is to blame here, and it’s not even close.  The republicans have reached a new low.  Don’t let them try to spread the blame around, this load of shit is all in their making and they have the power to stop it.  We don’t owe them a damn thing in return for them doing their job.  They can take their warped concept of “compromise” and stick it up John Boehner’s ass.


Thank You President Obama, For Not Paying Ransom to the Far Right


Day one of punishment to Americans for voting against the minority and attempting to make health care more affordable and accessible for all.  This government shutdown is brought to you by the republicans who refuse to accept the election results and the legislative process of passing laws because they do not agree with the law.  The facts are simple and objective.  Republicans in the House of Clowns refuse to accept that Obama Care has been enacted into law through the Constitutional process, and are trying to force changes to the law by the illegitimate method of not funding the federal government, causing an unnecessary shutdown that will impact and hurt millions all across the country.

And they are hoping that we are too stupid to realize what they are doing.  They are hoping that with the help of the Fox Propaganda Channel and other right wing mouth pieces in the media, that repetition of their lies will confuse the majority of Americans enough to blame all of Congress and the President for this manufactured and unnecessary crisis.  They were also hoping that President Obama and Senator Harry Reid would once again cave into their hostage taking methods of governing by the minority, and “compromise.”

Thankfully, President Obama and Senator Reid have finally agreed to stand up to these assholes and refuse to pay any more ransom.

The republicans’ methods are undermining what is supposed to be a democratic process in this country, where the majority is supposed to rule.  Not able to win the last presidential election, where there was a crystal clear choice of keeping Obama and the Affordable Care Act, or exchanging him for Mitt Romney and his agenda of repealing Obama Care “on day one,” voters chose to give the president a second term.  They also chose not to let the Senate be taken over by the right wing idiots that the gerrymandered House of Representatives has been infected with.  So the House of Clowns has decided that shutting down the government is going to be the new way they enact changes to laws they don’t  like.

We have already seen the government nearly crippled by the minority of republicans in the Senate abusing the fillibuster an unprecedented number of times to prevent the majority from ruling.  I’ve been extremely critical of Senator Reid many times for not getting rid of the fillibuster all together.  Finally, Mr. Reid appears to realize that he is not dealing with reasonable people across the partisan aisle.  He is dealing with a minority of right wing zealots who’s disdain for the basic concept of democracy is now painfully on display.  He and Mr. Obama both seem to have finally come to the conclusion that negotiating under blackmail is not negotiation, it is not compromise.

It was a mistake in the past to negotiate under these circumstances during the 2011 manufactured crisis of raising the debt ceiling.  It only emboldened the hostage takers.  Now their bluff has to be called, and sadly, it was not a bluff.  The republicans are willing to disrupt the business of the country out of spite, because they want to deny millions of Americans affordable health care so that they can go back to the old way of the real “death panels” which are the health insurance companies denying coverage to sick people so that they can enrich themselves with huge profits.   That system bought us the most expensive health care delivery system in the developed world, but not the best health care results.

The debt ceiling is again scheduled for a vote in the next few weeks.  Prior to Obama being president, this was a routine vote that always passed.  It is not a vote to authorize new spending, it is a vote to authorize the government to write the checks for the bills it has already incurred.  Republican hostage takers tried to use this as a ‘negotiating’ tactic in 2011 when the economy was more vulnerable than it is now, by threatening to cut off federal unemployment benefits to millions of Americans at Christmas time, among other ridiculous demands.  I thought the president’s compromise at the time was a mistake, but his administration felt at the time that they couldn’t afford to have the hostage harmed, as they put it.  But here we are now, with the same low life, shithead Tea Baggers shutting down the government and threatening the global economy in the coming weeks by attempting to hold the debt ceiling hostage as well.

I applaud President Obama and the democrats for standing up to these bullies and saying enough is enough, we will not negotiate with a gun to the American public’s head anymore.

The president just made an eloquent and forceful speech explaining what is going on, and who is to blame.  He should keep up the public pressure so that the republicans’ lies, smoke and mirrors don’t succeed in confusing the citizenry about what their real agenda is.  They want to deny millions of previously uninsured Americans from enrolling in a heath insurance program that is now available on the state exchanges, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.  They want to allow the health insurance companies to continue to let sick and poor people die so that their profits remain high.  They do not care about the welfare of the majority of the public, they could not care less.  They worship the Almighty Dollar, and even have former preachers like Mike Huckabee defending the values of the health insurers denying sick children and their parents coverage.  The House of Clowns and the republican party truly is a den of thieves and greedy liars, posing as patriotic Christians with strong family values.  Nothing could be further from the truth.


Keep offering up your urine and labor, don’t be a complaining slave


Chain Gang

It’s Friday night, so instead ranting about the looming shutdown of the government by republicans who are angry that everyone might enjoy healthcare, let’s talk about their sponsors, our corporate slave masters who violate the 4th Amendment of the Constitution that bans  “unreasonable searches and seizures” every time they drug test employees.

The real puppet masters of our society – the mega and trans-national corporations that sponsor the politicians that we vote for –  have so cunningly taken over our democracy, and successfully duped the general population into submission, that they are able to lawfully demand urine or hair follicles for the purpose of drug testing as a condition of employment.  If you are accused of a crime by the state, the police and the district attorney would be required to get a search warrant to compel you to offer up any bodily fluid, since our Constitution demands at least proof in the form of “probable cause” a reason for the government to search you or seize your property.  Yet in our time, despite the growing and historically high gap of wealth inequality between the 1 percent and the rest of us, the capitalists that own and run the government have somehow gotten the rest of us 99 percenters to agree to submit to drug testing, through surrendering samples of our body, for them to scrutinize our private lives when we are off the clock.

So, as part of the so called “war on drugs” workers of all stripes are compelled to give up their 4th Amendment rights to our employers to search and seize us and our DNA to see if a “crime” might be being committed in our private time that might make us less productive on their production line.  This low bar to override the 4th Amendment is not allowed in a court of law, even if the police and state are trying to catch a rapist/murderer who could be connected to the crime.  Yet the bar is much lower for employers demanding a window into your private life, for such important matters as determining if you smoke marijuana, or drink to much, as this could make you lazy in their eyes.  Or if you smoke tobacco, as this might add to their insurance costs.

What is sickening is that even though the overwhelming majority of us work for the small majority of wealth and capital owners, we often times go along with their fascist justifications.  We say things like “well of course, if he drives a fork lift or mows city lawns, we need to know if he’s high or drunk or not.”  Even though we are letting them peer into our private lives that may have nothing to do with an accident at work. Judging a person on how they perform at work or if they show up sober or not or call out sick an inordinate amount of time is not enough for our slave masters.  They must know that in our private lives, they can have a peek at our personal habits and be able to make a prediction, and condition of employment based on their self righteous standards.  And because they have us desperate for a job, these “job creators” get away with it, and we may bitch and moan, but we comply because we don’t want to go hungry or without shelter.

This is not right, it is a form of fascist extortion.  The same powers have abused the NSA and forced our society into accepting that all our phone calls and internet communications are intercepted by the government to protect us from “terrorism,” the 4th Amendment be damned.

Civil rights and the Bill of Rights are under assault in this country, and have been for a long time, and it’s time we realize that we are allowing private wealth to dictate our private lives and to surrender our private life information as a condition of employment.  A lot of passion is stirred up by gun owners over their right to bear arms, but how many of them are subject to drug testing for their survival – you know, putting food on the table by having a job from our bullshit portrayed,. benevolent “job creators?”

It’s Friday night, so as you raise that glass of wine or smoke that bowl or cigarette, look over your shoulder and make sure that the rich piece of shit that you work for isn’t looking, because he might not approve and might instead hire someone more desperate for work and willing to work for a poverty wage in a society he has built and written the rules for.


Jesus Was a Socialist, Republicans Are The Anti-Christ

wolf in sheep

Since the republicans in the U.S. House of Clowns (representatives) voted to starve poor people even more yesterday by cutting the already inadequate food stamp budget, while falsely claiming “Christian values” as their reasoning, I was appalled enough to sarcastically call them the Anti-Christ in the title.  I’m not literally saying they are the Anti-Christ, as I think religion belongs separate from politics, but  these lying, deceitful, thieving, scum of the earth politicians elected to the U.S. congress –  the republicans- who voted near unanimously yesterday  against the most vulnerable in our society, continually fake God and morals as  their righteous ideology, give me little choice.

It is time that progressives, liberals, human right’s activist, civil right’s activist, advocates for the poor, anti-war activist, other defenders of the less fortunate, and the average person in our society,  stop letting these hypocrites use people’s faith and religion in such a foul and perverted way, to manipulate all good hearted Americans of any faith into thinking that their political agenda gives even a remote shit about the welfare of the people of this country and the rest of the world.

What is especially sickening is that most of these republican politicians and leaders have used the banner of Christianity to sell their radical agenda of social Darwinism to the American people, and used Christian “morals” as a tool to justify their greed, bigotry and hatred.  Divide and conquer, in the name of their sponsors, the uber wealthy and giant corporations and banks.

There has been for a long time and still is, a push of propaganda from the rich and powerful top 1 percent to convince Americans that somehow being poor is a person’s own fault, a character flaw, or the result of sin.  Being poor in America now is viewed by many misguided citizens with suspicion.  I’ve had conservative friends and family members express an outright hostility at the nerve of fast food workers to ask for 15 dollars an hour.  These workers should chose a different job, it’s their own damn fault, they say, as they themselves clip coupons to afford the slave labor  produced cheap products they buy in their towns’ big employer of poverty wage workers, Walmart.  These same friends and family are often times quick to point out a poor person they know as lazy, addicted to drugs, a con-man, etc.  That drug addiction is a disease is not even considered for compassion, as Florida demonstrated by requiring drug tests of recipients of welfare. Pouring exuberant amounts of tax payer funds into imprisoning our friends, neighbors and family members for drug addiction in the war on drugs though, is viewed as tough on crime and morally righteous. These friends and family are a snapshot of an unfortunately large portion of our society, that continue to vote against their own best interest and against the interest of humanity in general.  They have been fooled, duped, mis-lead, lied to, manipulated.  Most are people of good heart, not all, but probably most.  They need the voice of the rest of us to have the courage to tell them to their face that the tea party movement, and the entire republican party is using the name of Jesus to sell a bag of lies for the super rich – the men who in the New Testament, Jesus refers to and is quoted as saying, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Tell that to ex-pastor Mick Huckabee, from the Bible Belt, who has become a regular mouthpiece for the republican party on the Fox Propaganda Network, a defender of insurance companies over health care for all, such as children with pre-existing conditions.  I saw him argue against the ObamaCare’s protection for pre-existing conditions on his show once.  Apparently, what he learned as a pastor and Christian preacher was that the preservation of our dysfunctional health insurance system that denies care to the sick for the sole purpose of profit, is much more important than the lives of people.   I guess it was just a typo error in the New Testament in instances where Jesus was healing the sick and feeding the poor, that he didn’t ask for their health insurance card or for them to prove they didn’t smoke or drink if they were hungry.  I’m sure what is left out of our traditional understanding of the teachings of Jesus is the details on how before and after he helped these people, he warned about the dangers to capitalism if we helped them too much.

Now, in the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, brought on by the con-men of our banking system, republican leaders like Eric Cantor, big nasal-nosed sack of phony shit from Virginia, are blaming the unemployed on their unemployment.  He and other republicans in congress want to help the poor and unemployed Americans in this country by teaching them self reliance by starving them.  They are now portraying the still unacceptable high unemployment rate brought upon by this Great Recession and exacerbated by their policies, as the fault of the unemployed.  They argue we can’t afford to feed the poor like we have been, at the extravagant rate of less than 5 dollars a day – if you qualify by making less than 15 thousand a year.  No, these walking epitomes of vile greed and selfishness would have us believe that if we continue to feed the poor, we are making it worse.  It’s for the poor’s on good that we must cut out the food assistance.  A little hunger will motivate them to get a job, although there is still the mathematical problem of there being 3 job seekers to every 1 job.  These same republicans of course, are trying to maintain the much larger tax payer subsidy in the farm bill to the corporate farmers, the government subsidized monopolies like Monsanto that are patenting seeds,  and of course the high-fructose corn syrup producers of corporate America.

They have voted to slash the already inadequate food assistance program even further, but to maintain corporate farm subsidies.

Nothing new here, other that the outright cruelty of their disdain for the poor and hungry in this country, and their golden calf worshiping of their corporate sponsors.

But I’m getting really sick of hearing republicans claiming to be the party of Christian values, because they don’t like gays and don’t want them to have the same rights as everyone else, and because they value a fetus much more important than they do a child that is alive and hungry.

I’m getting really sick of hearing republicans talk about their Christian values while they lobby and vote for the health insurance company status quo by trying to sabotage ObamaCare’s implementation into law.  I’m getting sick and tired of these scumbags handing over immoral patent rights on life saving and vital medications to the pharmaceutical industries of this country that have bribed their way into monopoly, multi-billion dollar profit status by stealing heavily subsidized citizen, tax payer funded research, and calling it “intellectual property.”

I’m sick of old people, poor people, the middle class, – basically all of us except the super rich 1 percent and their political puppets that make it all possible – having to worry that if we get sick with a bad illness like cancer or any other of many inevitable medical conditions, that we can’t afford the same health care that these politicians enjoy through their superior government healthcare program, on a salary that qualifies them in the top two percent.  They have enriched themselves and the powerful, profitable, tax payer subsidized industries they represent.  And they are tired of us slaves who work for them wanting the least among us to be fed, and the rest of us to at least enjoy decent health care.  These wants and needs of the rest of us are labeled “class warfare.”

These are the people in power that claim the moral authority because of their professed Christianity.  They are the exact opposite.

Please, instead of sharing on Facebook some manufactured outrage over the Ten Commandments being removed from a courthouse that prides itself on swift death penalties and imprisons the poor and disenfranchised, or on some bullshit posting about how bad the Muslims are, based on misinformation and lies and propaganda of course. . .. please, share your realization that conservative politics in this country as it currently exists, is the exact opposite of Christianity.

It’s an abomination, and a tragedy that roughly 48 percent of this country don’t even see this reality.







War Everywhere: From Syria to the Republicans’ War on America

Weak DemocratsDue to a pause in the United States plans to bomb Syria, we are now back to the class warfare in this country being waged by the Snake of the House, John Boehner and his tribe of low life house republicans, on this country’s middle class, poor, and everyone in between as they continue to threaten a government shutdown on October 1.  You see, in this wonderful, currently corrupted democracy of ours, the lowest of the low, the tea baggers and other republican representatives are again trying to “negotiate” more spending cuts and trying to sabotage the law of the land, ObamaCare, by pulling a stunt that should not even be legal: refusing to raise the debt ceiling, which amounts to refusing to pay the bills that the congress has already spent.

Not wanting to uphold the law simply because they disagree with it, even though it is the law of the land and was passed the way laws are supposed to be passed in this country, by a majority of our democratically elected officials, the republicans are trying to defund ObamaCare.  Not pay for it.  Sabotage the law.  Not obey it, not enforce it.  They seem to think this is ok for the minority party to do, shut down the government, and  screw over everyone in the country that depends on government services – virtually everyone, but the poor and elderly will be hit the hardest of course.

The republicans are once again holding the country financially hostage as an illegitimate way to sabotage the laws they disagree with.  Sadly, our Nobel Peace Prize winner, President Obama, has a much weaker history domestically as a fighter than he does as the Commander in Chief in wars.  He has repeatedly given in to republican hostage taking and blackmail, and they have repeatedly paid all of us back by continuing their rewarded behavior.  And with Harry Reid, the worthless and spineless coward as the democrat’s Senate leader,  and Nancy Pelosi, being a minority democratic leader in the House of Clowns, having to go along with whatever Obama negotiates away with the tea baggers, we could be headed for more defeat and  more misery brought upon the country by the shameless, corrupt, pathetic house republicans under the leadership of the weeping, spineless, piece of Ohio gerrymandered dog shit, John Boehner.

These dirt bags have threatened the debt ceiling before, used unemployment insurance and Christmas time as hostages in the process and of coursed threatened government shutdowns.  Their cohorts in their republican led states are refusing to cooperate or work with ObamaCare, at the expense of the poor in their states and everyone else of modest means because they don’t like the law of the land and think it’s ok to sabotage it.  The republicans have also used President Obama’s weak poker playing skills to bring us the sequester, which has cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and layoffs in an extremely weak job recovery.  They have managed to layoff fireman, policeman, air traffic control, and teachers in the name of “deficit reduction.”  Some of the heartless, dark-soul republican swine in the House of Clowns voted against funding for the northeastern states after Hurricane Sandy, in the name of deficit spending, even though some of them have accepted or requested emergency federal money for their states for other things.  Hypocrisy of course is their favorite cologne.

In an article in the New York Times titled “Boehner Seeking Democrats’s Help on Fiscal Talks,” the head clown is quoted as saying  “It’s time for the president’s party to show the courage to work with us to solve this problem.”  That’s the way that asshole asks for help, by blaming Obama and the democrats for the despicable, illegitimate behavior of his party that he is unwilling and probably unable to control.  How I long for President Obama to act like candidate Obama pledged, to take on entrenched power and fight for us.  To wind down the wars.  I’ve since come to realize that overall U.S. foreign policy remains the same regardless of who is in office, but can we at least have a little fighting spirit here on the home front?  The war on the middle-class, poor and elderly has only escalated during this Great Recession, and the democratic party has turned more spineless as a whole than ever before.  We need for President Obama to stand up to the republicans on this debt ceiling/government shutdown fiasco this time and say “screw you and your shit-bag colleagues, Eric Cantor and ole fish-face Mitch McConnel, I’m not negotiating shit under blackmail.  Do your duty or face the consequences.”

And now back to Syria.  It’s hard to really know what has actually occurred, and what is planned, because we know from experience to be extremely skeptical of anything that comes out of the president or State Department’s mouth when it comes to wars of choice. In this latest twist on our march to war in Syria, it is hard to know if Secretary John Kerry’s “off-handed” remark this past Monday about not bombing if Syria agreed to give up it’s chemical weapons within a week, that the Russians suppossedly “seized” upon as an opening, was genuine, or if it was orchestrated.

We do know that Obama and Putin spoke privately over the weekend at the G 20 Summit.  We don’t know if they secretly made the negotiation there or not.  Either way, we do know now that the dynamic has changed and we appear to have a pause in our desire to bomb Syria.  Syria has apparently agreed to sign on the chemical weapons treaty, which will require them to declare their chemical arsenal within 60 days to be destroyed.  Kerry is already saying we cannot go on that slow of a time frame.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out, because we know that the United States, British Prime Minister David Cameron, and France wanted to bomb Assad already.  The momentum seems to have first slowed down after Cameron lost the parliamentary vote in England to authorize a UK military strike with us.  Then Obama gambled on congressional approval which turned surprisingly in doubt of backing, losing more momentum.  Now Washington is claiming that it is the legitimate threat of force that has brought about Russia and Syria’s willingness to negotiate.  That’s probably true, but I still doubt that chemical weapons use are the real reason we wanted to bomb Syria: they were and still remain an excuse for us and our allies to help the “rebels” overthrow the Assad regime.  The facts are available to the public.  Our allied dictators in Saudi Arabia and Quattar have been the biggest financial backers of the civil war, and us, England, France, and Turkey have been helping with weapons and supplies over the past two years as well. The CIA has acknowledged involvement.  Senator Sore Loser John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have long been advocating for us to help the “freedom fighters” in Syria more. Obama has said more than once that Assad must go, but claims he prefers a political settlement, which of course won’t happen without military force.

So it seems to me that with our still desired goal of Assad being overthrown, and our continued support of the terrorists helping to overthrow his government, that we are merely looking at a pause in the march to war in Syria.  Saddam Hussein had agreed to U.N. inspections also, but the United States determined before the inspections had a chance to be finished, to go ahead and invade as we had planned all along.  Seems likely to me that no matter what is done by Syria or Russia, our bombs dropping on Syria are still in the works.  Our leaders have just fumbled this war football for a moment, as it appears to be getting a little harder to sell the same old lines of bullshit to the public to support another Western led war that will cost billions and lead to hundreds of thousands of more deaths and misery.  Let’s not forget, since the United States has all of a sudden become so concerned with innocent children being killed in war, that over a hundred thousand Syrians have already died in this bloody civil war that we and our allies have been sponsoring.

The politics here in the U.S. that have been playing out since Obama first sought congressional approval (that he assures us he doesn’t legally need) to bomb Syria is worthy of commentary.  When President George. W. Bush lied to the nation to lead us to the war in Iraq, he enjoyed solid support from his republicans, who voted heavily along party lines.  Democrats who should have known better and who did know better, like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, voted with Bush to send our troops into a fraudulent war.  Enough democrats went along with Bush.  Now, the party that usually loves war, that talks about it, brags about it, talks tough about it during elections, the republicans, are suddenly anti-war. This is pathetic.  It is good that Obama doesn’t have congressional approval yet, don’t get me wrong, I think they all should vote no on bombing Syria, but the stench of their favorite cologne of hypocrisy is choking.  Presidential loser Rick Santorum, who talked tough in the republican primaries at the time, and who just last year was in favor of military strikes, is suddenly anti-war.  Talk about a two faced, god-claiming liar, he is one of many.  Which goes to show you once again that republicans always put party first over country.  Their convenient change of heart for war is merely a cynical way to oppose the president.  Instead of voting their conscience on the matter, they vote party politics.  And these selfish liars and den of thieves for the rich probably have a “support the troops” sticker on their cars.  They should be ashamed, but of course they vote and campaign and govern like sociopaths, so it’s hard to know if feeling shame is even possible for them.

As for the sorry excuse for a progressive party, the democrats merely demonstrate their lack of conviction and backbone.  They were all too eager to go along with Bush on the Iraq war when their political calculation told them it was the safe vote during the early years of our government’s campaign of fear mongering after 911.  Now, as the nation has grown more weary of continuous war, and hopefully more skeptical, they feel safe in opposing their own president.  It’s all about the polls for these cowards and sell outs, like Kerry and both Clintons.  And my favorite stinky, wet mop, Harry Reid, had even said he would not use a senate procedure to force a vote on authorizing force for Obama if senate republicans filibustered it.  So here, once again, had the senate republicans used a filibuster, this time for the outrageous purpose of not allowing even a vote on the important decision of whether or not to bomb Syria, just so they could impose minority rule should they lose the vote, Harry Reid again showed just how gutless and lacking in any balls he can be.  Even on something important like having the senate help decide the fate of whether or not we chose to go to war, Harry Reid was unwilling to stand up to the minority abuse of the democracy killing filibuster, because his number one concern is maintaining a life long career in an impotent senate that he resides over.  He is a sorry excuse for a senate leader, democrat or republican.  He is an even worse excuse for a democrat.  This is not to say that all democrats or all republicans fall into one of these pathetic categories, there are a few sincere ones on both sides.  Rand Paul on the republican side -yes I’m  a liberal that doesn’t hate him, we just disagree often but not always – and a few on the democratic side, including and especially Senator Barry Sanders, technically an Independent from Vermont.  But the democrats lack the numbers  in their weak pack to stand up to the united party of swine on the other side of the aisle.  And their leadership, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama, don’t lead by example.

If only we could get our politicians to fight and vote for the right causes in this country with the same veracity that they pursue wars of aggression, we could truly be a Great Society.  Instead, those in power have chosen Empire.  At the expense of the 99 percent of the rest of us and the world.

Here’s this weekend’s accompanying music video, enjoy, it’s appropriate:



War All The Time, Syria Here We Come!


Colin Powerl

I want to convey a very important point to every American out there.  Don’t fall for the false reasons that our current leaders are feeding us to support the march to war in Syria.

I wrote a somewhat detailed blog recently on June 18th, where I gave my theory on the Syrian civil war and our involvement.  I won’t rehash over all of the details, because at this moment our government seems a very short time away from bombing Syria. But I will explain briefly what has been going on, but not talked about on the opinion shows and mainstream media.  Details are available on my first blog about Syria and I will provide links on this one.

In a nutshell, there has been a civil war going on Syria for two years, and well over 100 thousand people, mostly civilians, have been murdered as a result.  The number of Syrians that have become refugees are over a million and a half.  Our country’s government, the United States, has been supporting two of our main dictator run Arab allies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  These two countries have invested the most money (as far as we know yet) and have been funding and promoting this “civil war” since the beginning.  The have been funding terrorist groups and foreign fighters to attack Syria in the hopes of overthrowing that government.  The U. S., England, France, and Turkey have been backing this overthrow, this so-called rebellion to overthrow Assad’s government all this time by providing weapons, money, and coordinated delivery almost since the beginning.

We and our allies have been facilitating, participating, and funding this effort with our Saudi and Qatar friends, to overthrow the Syrian government .

This is for profit and control of the region.

Now our leaders are crying crocodile tears and telling us that it is because of the moral and humanitarian crisis that we must drop bombs on Syria because chemical weapons have been used.  We are fed images every night and day now of the victims of the chemical attack.  Secretary of State John Kerry called it a “moral obscenity” on television, in what was possibly his best acting perfomance yet of his political career trying to act human and empathetic.

These same leaders have been behind this attempted overthrow of the Assad government for over 100 THOUSAND deaths already.  Now they would have us believe that they are morally outraged at this “obscenity” and are therefore compelled to act as the punisher of wrongdoing against humanity.  Because chemical weapons were used.

This is a cynical crock of shit and piece of re-played propaganda that is designed to tug at our heart strings and lull us into thinking our government’s overseas aggression is justified because we are the good guys.  Over 300 people were said to have been killed in the chemical attacks, and many more sickened.  Our corporate owned media replays those images all the time when talking about how we are ready to bomb for “humanitarian reasons.”  They haven’t show us the 100 THOUSAND at least suffering bodies murdered prior to this,  nightly images in the refugee camps where Syrian’s are fleeing a war that we helped start and support.  That doesn’t fit into their propaganda model.

The powers that have hijacked our government know that if we Americans knew the truth, we would not support the atrocities we commit abroad.  Nor would we volunteer for the armed forces.  So, they continue to lie to us and try to stir up our emotions to act for humanitarian reasons.

With George W. and Dick Cheney in charge, the battle cry was “weapons of mass destruction.”  The fear was used to justify military aggression, a “pre-emptive” strike..  Now that most every American knows that was lies and nothing but lies, the so called liberal President Obama is pretending to be only interested in bombing Syria to help out the victims of chemical warfare.

The Assad regime has denied the use of chemical weapons, saying that they have far superior conventional military weapons to fend off the rebels.  And they do have a superior stash of conventional military weapons, and have been warned for the past year that use of chemical weapons might result in U.S. retaliation.  They have been winning this civil war for many months now.  The majority of Syrians have supported the government they have.  There is no logical reason why the Assad government would use chemical weapons on rebels, it is less effective for mass killings and it’s only purpose is to impose terror and suffering.  Most likely the rebels set off the chemical weapons in an attempt to draw it’s powerful western allies into direct military intervention on their behalf to return the upper hand to them in overthrowing the Syrian government.

And even if they didn’t and it turns out the Assad government was stupid enough to use less efficient chemical weapons over than their current military weaponry,  despite warnings that the strongest military on the face of the earth would retaliate if chemical weapons were used, are we really gullible enough at this point to believe our leaders are acting with the military because 100 thousand deaths are ok, so long as chemical weapons were not used?

It’s such a farce at this point.  Substitute the term “weapons of mass destruction” for “chemical weapons.”  One plays on our fears, and the other our sympathy.  Both are lies.  Senator Sore Loser and war addict John McCain went so far as to call the rebels “freedom fighters” the other day on camera.  The same label Reagan and Oliver North used to describe their  illegal, behind congress’s back funding of the terrorist group the Contras to overthrow the democratically elected government in Nicaragua at the time.

The United States never uses it’s military might or wealth in any meaningful way for “humanitarian” crises.  Food aid and medical aid and every other kind of aid, including aid to our own country’s victims of natural disaster, such as the recent Hurricane Sandy, are always the first programs cut or questions.  But we are supposed to sacrifice our children and pay our taxes to bomb other lands because of morality.

This pathetic, disgusting  lie and peace of propaganda is expected to work on us, it has in the recent past, and all the past, so why shouldn’t it now?  Because, you calloused, heartless, lying, puppets of power politicians, we have seen the truth.



House Republicans: A Clown Posse of Assholes and Idiots

John Boehner (Rep. R-OH):: Obstructionist Republican ClownThere is literally no limit to the amount non-sense, vindictive, and  appalling actions that the House of Representative republicans are willing to take in order to destroy President Obama and stick it to the poor and middle class. From the ridiculous number of votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act that have been carried out in the House – 40 in all, the most recent on August 2nd – to yet another threat to shut down the government and refuse to raise the debt ceiling again, the republican party is showing just how ignorant, petty, greedy, racist, and full of shit they really are.

And now, there are even republicans speaking publicly about their desire to start impeachment proceedings against the president, And the kicker on that is that they are still trying to figure out what they can impeach him on.  They don’t have anything specific yet, just a claim that there must be something behind that IRS non-scandal, Benghazi or something, surely.  As much as they hate the president, they figure that surely they can dream up something to impeach him on.  Even though, like their meaningless, mindless votes to repeal Obama Care that have no chance of working, they are not concerned with doing their job of passing laws under a democratic system. They are obsessed with taking down President Barrack Obama, and rolling back progress and all the social safety nets that have been acquired in this country over the years, things that help the poor and the middle-class – in other words, the majority of Americans.  They are a minority party, only controlling the House, which they use as a constant noise machine and wrecking ball since they lost the vote on the laws passed.  In the Senate, in which they are the minority party, they focus on pure obstructionism, using the filibuster a record number of times to prevent our democratically elected government from holding any votes that they cannot win. They seem to have forgotten that majority is supposed to rule in a democracy, and if they can’t win elections or votes legitimately, they are hellbent on getting their way through any means necessary.  If they have to shut down the government, destroy the economy, and deny sick people access to healthcare, then that is what they will try and do.  They are simply, a minority party, representing the minority: the super-rich and super greedy. And they will stop at nothing to get their way, or if their way can’t be gotten, they will stomp their feet and throw tantrums like angry children. Idiots and assholes.





Sex and Politics: An Unnecessary Distraction

weinerLet me start with a simple proposal that may sound radical to the right and the left of the political spectrum:  politician’s personal sex lives should not be an issue in an election.  The distraction violates their privacy and waters down or completely silences discussion of the real issues in an election by the hypocritical and sensationalized news organizations known as our main stream media.  The New York Times last week sought to lower their bar yet again and displayed a striking arrogance when the editorial board wrote a piece calling for Anthony Wiener to drop out of the New York City mayoral race because more details and photos of his “sexting” practices became public this past week.

Anthony Weiner was  a congressman from New York in the U.S. House of Representatives  who resigned from his position on June 16, 2011, after a sex scandal broke out that revealed he had been involved in “lewd” and nude conversation  and picture sharing – sometimes referred to as “sexting” –  with a number of women online.  Living in New York and being a proud progressive, I admired Anthony Weiner’s political passion and willingnessllllllll; to fight for liberal causes, like health care reform, when he was our congressman.  Not helping him weather the scandal was of course, his horrible decision to originally deny the pics and texts and his and claim that his Twitter account had been hacked, on the Sunday morning political shows and the whole media round, when he knew this was not true and he was lying.  When the truth came out, President Obama publicly stated that Weiner should resign, and caving to immense political pressure, he did resign.

And that was a mistake.  A republican won his seat in a special election, one more loss to the lost House.  Thanks President Obama, on this rare occasion when you decide to get involved in local politics, it’s only to scold another democrat’s sexual conduct and attempt to demonstrate like a hypocritical republican, your supposed moral high ground.  And now you have one more obstructionist in congress to deal with, and no surprise, your moral high ground posture didn’t make one single republican like you anymore than your golf trips and endless concessions to them have.  Mr. Obama once declared as a candidate that he would put on his walking shoes and join protesters to make a difference in Washington, but for the most part he has been very meek and reluctant to speak out against the many abuses of power occurring in states run by republican governors.  The distraction is apparently the easiest political stand to take, and it has served well in our propaganda driven conversations in the media.

And the arrogance of the New York Times to call on a candidate to drop out of a race for mayor, as if they hold the lever to decide for the voters who they can vote for, is astounding.  It is bad enough to have our choice of candidates decided by wealthy donors.  Weiner has vowed this time to stay in the race and let the voters decide, and that is exactly what he should do.  The New York Times should feel free to call on those already elected in office to resign if scandals break out that make the case for resignation debatable, but to act as if they are the ones that should be choosing our choice of candidates?  Beyond arrogant.  And they had the audacity to say that ” the serially evasive Mr. Weiner should take his marital troubles and personal compulsions out of the public eye, away from cameras, off the Web and out of the race for mayor of New York City.”  Apparently the fact that it is the New York Times and all the other “news” organizations that are displaying his marital problems and sexual behavior in the public eye non-stop instead of moving on to the issues of the mayoral race are Mr. Weiner and his wife’s fault, not the media that refuses to report on anything else.  There are gossip papers and the E Channel and other useless rags to play the sensationalized card for ratings, but it is time for the so-called real “news” organizations to take some responsibility for their editors’s choices of what they report and focus on.

Politicians on the left and the media are also inconsistent and hypocritical on what they deem as sex scandal that matters and what they don’t feel should matter.  The most glaring example is that many politicians, editorial boards, and the American public think that the impeachment of President Clinton’s lying about having “sex with that woman, Mrs. Lewenski” while under oath was not deserving of impeachment.  I agree.  He never should have been compelled to answer those question under oath to begin with, they were only relevant to a political attack disguised as a civil suit.  But then why now should Mr. Weiner drop out in disgrace?  The standard answer is that he lied a second time about the scandal by not admitting that his compulsive “sexting” had not stopped the day he resigned – big shocker – and this makes him untrustworthy.  I think the standard rebuttal to this should be that President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condelezza Rice, and  Donald Rumsfeld all  lied about the details of 911 and lied about “weapons of mass destruction” to lead us to a war of aggression and choice in Iraq.  If that is not an impeachable offense, to deliberately lie to congress and the American people for leading us into a war that has cost over a trillion dollars, killed thousandbounds of Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and ruined the lives of millions more, I don’t know what is.  Lying about oral sex or sending nude pics and explicit texts to other willing adults? I don’t see how.

What politicians chose to lie about is gravely more important and relevant to their character and the welfare of our country than their lies about their personal sex lives and relationships with their spouses.  Most people lie about sex, or chose to keep it private, and would not want the salacious details of their sexual activity, in person or via “sexting” made public.  The fact that Mr. Weiner’s sexual conduct is considered weird or compulsive or unfair to his wife should not play into the factor, any more than Bill Clinton’s preferred use of a cigar and Monica Lewenski’s saving of a dress containing the president’s semen should have mattered then or now.  The media needs to grow up and take responsibility for what they cover, and voters need to remain issue driven and not distracted by the static.