Things Are Getting Really Interesting


The unfolding of the primary races for the Presidential race in 2016 has gotten really interesting, hopeful, and insightful.  As readers of this column already know, I have fully endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders, Independent Senator from Vermont running on the Democratic primary ticket for President.  I have also pleaded with my audience to at least not vote for either of the elite political establishment’s ordained puppets:  Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, regardless of political alignment.  This race, despite the recent disastrous Supreme Court Ruling of Citizens United, which ruled that unlimited political bribery through so-called “political donations” is essentially “free speech,” offers opportunity for the disappointed, cynical, and fed-up voter, to send a resounding message to the oligarchs, by not supporting their sponsored candidates.

While it is true that Donald Trump is a billionaire, he is running on his own money in his bid to win the Republican nomination, and not that of establishment republican donors.  And it has them worried, especially since he remains in a very stubborn first place among republican primary voters in all major polls, leading over Jeb Bush and all the other republican hopefuls by a solid lead.   His first place status has withstood intense criticism from the media and his republican opponents, even after commenting that John McCain wasn’t a war hero.

For myself and many others who welcomed Donald Trump as the most comedic gift possible to be thrown into the Presidential race, he has not failed to deliver.  As someone who does not want to see a Republican win the White House, I also figured Donald Trump would be great at bashing the other republicans, and he has been – he’s great at bashing everyone.  But I have been surprised at his staying power, figuring he would self-destruct very early, especially after the John McCain remarks.  While I disagree with many of his views, especially his insulting characterization of Mexicans as drug addicts and rapists, I would prefer Donald Trump over the other republicans, and suspect he would be a better President.

Before my liberal readers’ heads explode from that comment, consider these points.  Donald Trump made his billions through real estate and casinos and branding, not from banking, big oil, pharmaceuticals, military industries, or transnational corporations promoting slave labor across the globe through “free trade” agreements  In fact, Mr. Trump has spoken out hard against the latest sell-out of American workers and sovereignty, the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade deal.  Mr. Trump called the possible trade deal a “disaster” and pointed out what everyone knows, but proponents and President Obama continue to lie about: that it would further promote American companies to move jobs overseas.

Mr. Trump boasts his business and deal making skills as reason to vote for him.  Given that he is not in one of the more corrupt industries that own our government, or sponsored by them, it would appear this is his strong suit.  Demonizing immigrants will not help his cause, in the unlikely event he does manage to win the Republican nomination, but in the republican primaries it plays well with the anti-immigrant wing, and he has not said anything more horrible than a lot of the rhetoric coming from his republican competition.  Governor Rick Perry sent his Texas National Guard to the border to protect his citizens from the bus loads of hungry children fleeing violence from Honduras.  Representative Steve King said Mexican immigrants had “calves the size of cantaloupes” from hauling dope across the border.

In the coming weeks – and hopefully months – the corporate, oligarch owned media, both tv and print, will do their part to silence any threat from a non-establishment, independent un-sponsored puppet.  The Donald shows no signs of backing down or playing politely, and I look very forward to watching him do battle. From commentary I have heard from a variety of people across the political spectrum, many find Mr. Trump’s style refreshing, after years of phony, well crafted and rehearsed soundbites from insincere politicians.

Speaking of insincere politicians and empty soundbites:  Hillary Clinton.  Her latest public stands on two policy issues, the TPP trade deal, and the Keystone XL Pipeline, are simply amazing to watch, if you haven’t seen them yet.  Hillary was asked at a political even this past Tuesday by an audience member, the simple question of whether or not if she were President, would she approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.  The gentleman who asked her also framed the question with a polite “yes or no please” answer.   Shockingly, Hillary Clinton refused to answer with a yes or no.   Instead, she said, after reminding the audience that she was Secretary of State when the process of approving the pipeline began, “this is President Obama’s decision, and I don’t want to second guess him” and blah, blah blah.  She didn’t think  taking a stand would be the “right thing to do,” and she then concluded her cowardly, bullhit answer with “If it’s undecided when I become President, I will answer your question.”

“If it’s undecided when I become President, I will answer your question.”  As unbelievable of an answer that is on a simple policy position question at a pro-Hillary political event, that was her answer.  So apparently, she expects voters to make her President without knowing where she stands on major issues.   Shortly after that answer, Hillary dug in and re-affirmed her non-position, saying : “I am sorry if people want me to, I’ve been very clear, I will not express an opinion until they have made a decision [Obama and Kerry], and then I will do so.”

Here is a video clip in the Washington Post of her answer, worth watching:

This is more of the same answer Hillary Clinton gave on her position on the TPP when it was up for a vote granting President Obama “fast-track” authority.  All labor unions across the country are against the T.P.P., as are most environmental groups, and most Americans who understand what the so-called free trade deals are about. The majority of democrats are against the T.P.P.  Yet Mrs. Clinton refuses to take a stand on this major policy issue as well, citing the same bullshit lines about how she was there when that process began, she didn’t want to comment until she knew what was in it, etc.  All absolute lies.  She knows whats in it, and in fact is on camera when she was Secretary of State and she was advocating for the T.P.P.

Mr. Sanders continues to draw enormous crowds where ever he goes to speak, some as large as 10,000 people, far larger than any other candidate for President on either side of the aisle.  The corporate owned media has reported very little about Mr. Sander’s enormous crowds.  In the past, the media has virtually blacked out fair coverage of independent candidates for President, such as Ralph Nader, despite him also drawing 10,000 people strong rallies.  Bernie Sanders wisely chose to run for the democratic nomination, guaranteeing him face time in the debates with Hillary, and at least coverage in general.  The political establishment also fears Bernie Sander as much as they do Donald Trump, and probably more.  Mr. Sanders continues to gain in the polls against Hillary Clinton, and is not accepting money from Super-Pacs and corporations, unlike his sponsored and owned opponent. proving her presumed nomination more vulnerable than many thought.  The Clinton camp has to be feeling the heat, and it appears so far that her strategy is as arrogant as her core – she still presumes herself to be the next President, and she’ll just keep saying “trust me, you’ll find out where I stand after you elect me.”   How any self-respecting progressive, liberal or democrat can support such a candidate in the primaries, having watched her answers, is beyond reasoning.

For those of you fed up with politics, and who feel powerless against the fake democracy we live under, the upcoming Presidential election offers you at least a chance to voice your opinion loud and clear, and not be told by the media and pundits that you have to vote for Puppet #1 or Puppet #2 or otherwise you are wasting your vote.  A vote for more of the same corrupt pawns is a waste of your vote.  This time, prove that Americans aren’t sheep, and support Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders.