Well, it’s apparently official now: just as most of us suspected, Speaker of the House of Clowns, John Boehner, is going to shit on the long term unemployed in this country by not bringing the Senate bill to re-institute emergency federal unemployment benefits to the House floor for a vote. It’s not that the bill would not pass in the House if it is brought to a vote; most Democrats would support it and enough Republicans would support it to for it to pass. But Mr. Boehner, forever a despicable, undeserving of his post, selfish, greedy, asshole scumbag, is more concerned about pissing off the crazy tea baggers in his caucus, and thus jeopardizing his position as Speaker, which he clearly holds more dear than the American families suffering under our anemic economy.
There are currently 2 million Americans that lost their long term unemployment benefits. Traditionally, when the unemployment rate in this country is as high as it is now, and the economy as weak, extension of long term benefits was a bi-partisan affair. Not anymore. Not only has our current Republican congress been shamefully unwilling to work with the President Obama on almost anything, including supporting programs they previously supported before Mr. Obama became the president – the new flock of Republicans and conservatives (tea baggers especially) display a callousness and contempt for the poor and unfortunate that I do not recall seeing in politics in my lifetime. Even more disturbing, I hear these prejudices and suspicions of the poor and unemployed voiced with more frequency in the general public than in previous years. It’s as if properly directed anger at the financial institutions that caused the Great Recession has been skillfully re-directed towards the most vulnerable victims. A friend and colleague of mine recently observed on Facebook that getting the poor to turn on each other and engage in infighting was one of the best ideas the rich have come up with. I couldn’t agree more. Divide and conquer is the oligarchy way.