Cheers! Thank you, President Obama and Democrats

Obama beer toastChalk up a big win for the American people, President Obama and the Democrats, they finally stood up to the unethical and un-American Republicans, and won an important victory for the future of the democratic process in this country.  Unable to accept the normal legislative process of passing laws by majority rule, and unable to accept defeat in the elections and the public arena of debate, the republicans threw a 24 billion dollar temper tantrum that hurt the country and the economy, and in the end, got nothing for it except exposed for the truly rotten sons of bitches that they are.

Not only did republicans shut down the government because they lost the legislative battle, Supreme Court Battle, and presidential reelection battle over Obama Care, they took us to the brink of defaulting for the first time in history, up until yesterday evening, with John Boehner, their head clown, finally allowing a virtually clean vote to re-open the government and raise the debt ceiling.  World markets, leaders and economies grew ever more anxious as the deadline for raising the debt ceiling loomed, with a potential global recession about to created by a handful of ignorant, hateful, tea bagging republican congressmen.  A minority of American politicians were able to shut down the government and threaten to sabotage the entire global economy in an illegitimate effort to de-fund the Affordable Care Act.  And the insanity of this was their leverage.  They assumed that the President, being an intelligent and responsible leader, and democrats, also caring of the country and the consequences, would simply back down and pay the ransom.  Since this deplorable stunt had been pulled once before and the president and democrats capitulated to some degree, these hostage takers grew more bold.  President Obama rightly saw this time as the necessary time to stop this destructive pattern in it’s tracks, before it became a normal way of governing, with the minority ultimately getting their way not through elections and the legislative process, but through extortion and sabotage.  They were already doing it in the Senate with the abuse of the fillibuster, but this scorched earth policy became the House of Clown’s more lethal weapon.

Thank you President Obama, thank you Harry Reid (you still need to get rid of the fillibuster), and thank you democrats in both the Senate and the House for staying united and standing up to the bully minority party of assholes for a change.  Gerrymandering, fear mongering, hate-mongering, misinformation, right wing radio, and Fox Propaganda News Channel have cultivated the seeds to bring us such undeserving elected republican clowns like John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Michelle Bachman, Eric Cantor, Mark Rubio, Rand Paul, and Steve King, to name just a few of the recognizable assholes on tv that make you wanna bang your head into a fence post and ask “how? why? how?”

And this time, even the slight and casual news consumer came to pay attention to politics.  The polls that came out last week by the Wall Street Journal revealed that an overwhelming majority of Americans knew who were to blame for the shutdown.  The president did a great job of explaining the truth in the beginning, and continuing to communicate the importance of not governing by crisis and hostage taking.  The republicans showed everyone but their most ardent supports and a few misguided voters their true character of selfishness and real values.  Their real values are not Christian, they are not compassionate, they are not fiscally conservative.  They are calloused, and represent the interests of the super wealthy and tiny percent of our society.  They favor profit over healthcare, and corporations over people.

I sincerely hope the president and democrats have learned the value of standing up with some spine when you know the truth is on your side.  This proves that if the republicans really wanna play hardball and show Americans what being a republican really is, all the democrats have to do is stand up against them, and explain the truth.  The majority will understand, a large minority of tribal right wing partisans will disagree no matter what; but the good guys, the middle class and the poor will win.  And the rich scoundrels like Mitt Romney and his piss-ant army of radical tea bagging republicans will lose.


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