War All The Time, Syria Here We Come!


Colin Powerl

I want to convey a very important point to every American out there.  Don’t fall for the false reasons that our current leaders are feeding us to support the march to war in Syria.

I wrote a somewhat detailed blog recently on June 18th, where I gave my theory on the Syrian civil war and our involvement.  I won’t rehash over all of the details, because at this moment our government seems a very short time away from bombing Syria. But I will explain briefly what has been going on, but not talked about on the opinion shows and mainstream media.  Details are available on my first blog about Syria and I will provide links on this one.

In a nutshell, there has been a civil war going on Syria for two years, and well over 100 thousand people, mostly civilians, have been murdered as a result.  The number of Syrians that have become refugees are over a million and a half.  Our country’s government, the United States, has been supporting two of our main dictator run Arab allies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  These two countries have invested the most money (as far as we know yet) and have been funding and promoting this “civil war” since the beginning.  The have been funding terrorist groups and foreign fighters to attack Syria in the hopes of overthrowing that government.  The U. S., England, France, and Turkey have been backing this overthrow, this so-called rebellion to overthrow Assad’s government all this time by providing weapons, money, and coordinated delivery almost since the beginning.

We and our allies have been facilitating, participating, and funding this effort with our Saudi and Qatar friends, to overthrow the Syrian government .

This is for profit and control of the region.

Now our leaders are crying crocodile tears and telling us that it is because of the moral and humanitarian crisis that we must drop bombs on Syria because chemical weapons have been used.  We are fed images every night and day now of the victims of the chemical attack.  Secretary of State John Kerry called it a “moral obscenity” on television, in what was possibly his best acting perfomance yet of his political career trying to act human and empathetic.

These same leaders have been behind this attempted overthrow of the Assad government for over 100 THOUSAND deaths already.  Now they would have us believe that they are morally outraged at this “obscenity” and are therefore compelled to act as the punisher of wrongdoing against humanity.  Because chemical weapons were used.

This is a cynical crock of shit and piece of re-played propaganda that is designed to tug at our heart strings and lull us into thinking our government’s overseas aggression is justified because we are the good guys.  Over 300 people were said to have been killed in the chemical attacks, and many more sickened.  Our corporate owned media replays those images all the time when talking about how we are ready to bomb for “humanitarian reasons.”  They haven’t show us the 100 THOUSAND at least suffering bodies murdered prior to this,  nightly images in the refugee camps where Syrian’s are fleeing a war that we helped start and support.  That doesn’t fit into their propaganda model.

The powers that have hijacked our government know that if we Americans knew the truth, we would not support the atrocities we commit abroad.  Nor would we volunteer for the armed forces.  So, they continue to lie to us and try to stir up our emotions to act for humanitarian reasons.

With George W. and Dick Cheney in charge, the battle cry was “weapons of mass destruction.”  The fear was used to justify military aggression, a “pre-emptive” strike..  Now that most every American knows that was lies and nothing but lies, the so called liberal President Obama is pretending to be only interested in bombing Syria to help out the victims of chemical warfare.

The Assad regime has denied the use of chemical weapons, saying that they have far superior conventional military weapons to fend off the rebels.  And they do have a superior stash of conventional military weapons, and have been warned for the past year that use of chemical weapons might result in U.S. retaliation.  They have been winning this civil war for many months now.  The majority of Syrians have supported the government they have.  There is no logical reason why the Assad government would use chemical weapons on rebels, it is less effective for mass killings and it’s only purpose is to impose terror and suffering.  Most likely the rebels set off the chemical weapons in an attempt to draw it’s powerful western allies into direct military intervention on their behalf to return the upper hand to them in overthrowing the Syrian government.

And even if they didn’t and it turns out the Assad government was stupid enough to use less efficient chemical weapons over than their current military weaponry,  despite warnings that the strongest military on the face of the earth would retaliate if chemical weapons were used, are we really gullible enough at this point to believe our leaders are acting with the military because 100 thousand deaths are ok, so long as chemical weapons were not used?

It’s such a farce at this point.  Substitute the term “weapons of mass destruction” for “chemical weapons.”  One plays on our fears, and the other our sympathy.  Both are lies.  Senator Sore Loser and war addict John McCain went so far as to call the rebels “freedom fighters” the other day on camera.  The same label Reagan and Oliver North used to describe their  illegal, behind congress’s back funding of the terrorist group the Contras to overthrow the democratically elected government in Nicaragua at the time.

The United States never uses it’s military might or wealth in any meaningful way for “humanitarian” crises.  Food aid and medical aid and every other kind of aid, including aid to our own country’s victims of natural disaster, such as the recent Hurricane Sandy, are always the first programs cut or questions.  But we are supposed to sacrifice our children and pay our taxes to bomb other lands because of morality.

This pathetic, disgusting  lie and peace of propaganda is expected to work on us, it has in the recent past, and all the past, so why shouldn’t it now?  Because, you calloused, heartless, lying, puppets of power politicians, we have seen the truth.



House Republicans: A Clown Posse of Assholes and Idiots

John Boehner (Rep. R-OH):: Obstructionist Republican ClownThere is literally no limit to the amount non-sense, vindictive, and  appalling actions that the House of Representative republicans are willing to take in order to destroy President Obama and stick it to the poor and middle class. From the ridiculous number of votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act that have been carried out in the House – 40 in all, the most recent on August 2nd – to yet another threat to shut down the government and refuse to raise the debt ceiling again, the republican party is showing just how ignorant, petty, greedy, racist, and full of shit they really are.

And now, there are even republicans speaking publicly about their desire to start impeachment proceedings against the president, And the kicker on that is that they are still trying to figure out what they can impeach him on.  They don’t have anything specific yet, just a claim that there must be something behind that IRS non-scandal, Benghazi or something, surely.  As much as they hate the president, they figure that surely they can dream up something to impeach him on.  Even though, like their meaningless, mindless votes to repeal Obama Care that have no chance of working, they are not concerned with doing their job of passing laws under a democratic system. They are obsessed with taking down President Barrack Obama, and rolling back progress and all the social safety nets that have been acquired in this country over the years, things that help the poor and the middle-class – in other words, the majority of Americans.  They are a minority party, only controlling the House, which they use as a constant noise machine and wrecking ball since they lost the vote on the laws passed.  In the Senate, in which they are the minority party, they focus on pure obstructionism, using the filibuster a record number of times to prevent our democratically elected government from holding any votes that they cannot win. They seem to have forgotten that majority is supposed to rule in a democracy, and if they can’t win elections or votes legitimately, they are hellbent on getting their way through any means necessary.  If they have to shut down the government, destroy the economy, and deny sick people access to healthcare, then that is what they will try and do.  They are simply, a minority party, representing the minority: the super-rich and super greedy. And they will stop at nothing to get their way, or if their way can’t be gotten, they will stomp their feet and throw tantrums like angry children. Idiots and assholes.