3 O’clock in the morning anger

I have three posts coming this week, some requiring more extensive research than usual, but as the 3 a.m. hour has passed, I find the cold beer I have poured for myself isn’t cooling down the anger boiling inside me enough to silence me for a brief outburst. So I will tell you what is keeping me up right now, and I will be elaborating on all of these subjects within the week’s end in the coming blogs.

The CEO’s of a handful of companies, including Papa Johns and a coal mining company, have said they are going to be forced to cut jobs because Obama got reelected.  Some of these companies had the CEO’s or bosses send out official memo’s to employees, threatening them that if Obama were reelected, their jobs were in jeopardy.  Of course these memos attempt to make it appear as if the big, fat, greedy head-cheese at the company is only espousing legitimate political concerns about the future of the economy, but it is blatant intimidation  and should be illegal, if it isn’t already.  I’m not a lawyer but I can tell if you I were the president right now I would be directing the Justice Department to looking into immediate legal remedies to bring these would be slave owners to justice.  This is outrageous, and I will bring you the details and  names of these slimy sons-of-bitches in my my upcoming blog

There are also large, respected American companies that are actively exploring ways to staff their workforce with part time employees as opposed to full time employees in order to avoid having to provide health care coverage as a benefit to their employees.  The sociopaths that are the people making these decisions in name of the almighty bottom line want to continue the trend of the past decades in this country, which is increased productivity, stagnant wages, decreased benefits, and historically and exponentially high salaries at the top, and historically low taxes for the richest of the rich.  I hope some of these narcissistic pieces of shit will some day know the pain of watching a loved one die and suffer because they cannot afford the cost of  for profit healthcare and insurance.  I will comment on detail on pathetic continuations of the never dying thirst of the love of money.


And finally, what a bunch sore losers and whiners, and now I hear their are states with petitions to succeed.  This is comic relief at 3 a.m., but it is a shining example of the ignorance and vitriol of the far right in this country, and I will give you my post election analysis of this foolishness as well.

Stay tuned, and in the mean time, I strongly encourage you to watch at least a couple of minutes of the late, great, Ted Kennedy’s speech on the senate floor, asking how much greed was enough for the billionaires that were fighting raising the minimum wage, as they are now fighting health care coverage.  It is still truly inspiring and haunting to watch this greatly missed senator.




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