I bet I’m not the only one medicating my nerves right about now with a glass of comfort, be it beer, wine or liquor in the Obama camp, or whatever caffeine and alcohol free beverage the former governor of Massachusetts drinks. It’s that two a.m. fear that keeps you up at night. But what we need is that three a.m. courage from President Obama to take off of the gloves and kick his opponent in the balls before he beats him to a pulp with his bare hands.
I think everyone knows that in their last debate, President Obama somehow tied both of his hands behind his back before taking on Governor Romney. It appears from subsequent press that it was Barrack Obama who overruled his debate handlers and advisers in how much time to commit to his debate prep and how aggressively to pursue his opponent. I can imagine that as being president after almost four years, and reading uncountable briefs of all kinds and things related to the presidency, that any incumbent might feel that debate preparation is like studying for a test they already know all the answers to. And, after having been the CEO or at least most important person in a room full of experts as the president is, it is understandable for a president to be thrown slightly off footing by a jack-ass standing beside you and spewing lies. Even with the truth on his side, Obama now realizes that is not enough when debating a practiced and meticulous, cynical and willing to say anything bullshitter like Mitt Romney. I expect Mr. Obama to come out swinging, and I think the only thing that will make him cautious, is the format of the so called ‘town hall,’ where citizens asks questions. Typically, candidates are expected to ‘connect’ with the public in this artificial setting, where the audiences’s pre-screened, often non-illuminating questions are asked. It is not the best setting for a rematch. But I hope Obama loses his politeness and makes a case directly to the audience that he says what he means and means what he says, and that the new stooge on the stage, Mitt Romney, is a conman trying to pull off a snow job about what he’s really about.
In the same way that the proverbial defendant who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client, Mr. Obama screwed up, perhaps fatally, and that is what is keeping us up tonight, isn’t it ?
As I have read different papers over the past week and seen snippets of interviews with Barrack Obama and his senior campaign officials, as well as observed the Obama team’s political expertise and instincts over the years, I am confident of two things. One, that Obama’s team, his advisers and political brains that have served him well and made possible his rise to power – had a better, more aggressive strategy towards the first debate envisioned and that Obama overrode it; and that two, Obama himself knows this and realizes it completely and wants nothing more than to put down this liar and bully in the park, Mr. Full of Shit Romney.
This gives me faith that President Obama will come out with some verbal martial arts with the right fight strategy, as he knows what is at stake and how close he came to being knocked out after almost having the fight won.
This time he will listen to his advisers and supporters who have been so disappointed at his first debate performance. I get the impression that he doesn’t like debates, and I understand that they are a somewhat of a dramatic jousting of words, especially when broadcast for a wide American audience that is greater in numbers than the political base on either side. It is understandable that an incumbent president get so focused on the actual governing of a country that they minimalize the importance of politics. But to do this is to lose to site of everything that got you where you are, especially the voters.
Voters like a president who landed on an air craft carrier with a real fighter pilot driving, who walked out on a ship with a sign that read, extremely prematurely, “mission accomplished.”
Voters like a president who says “wanted, dead or alive,”
but voters today like even more a president who walks noisily and carries a big stick, and a president who actually delivers on those things as Obama has done, in contrast to the former president and tough-talker George W. or an opponent like Mitt Romney, who said he wouldn’t go after Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan or move “heaven and earth” and “spend billions of dollars” to get one man.
Because of Obama’s first debate which should have sealed his re-election, as opposed to the October surprise that was his stinging defeat, President Obama must now win decisively tonight and on the last debate. I am still biting my nails, but going to bed with the confidence that the same team that led Joe Biden to a debate victory last week will lead Obama to a come back victory this week.
See you on the other side.