Here we are liberals, a week later, still licking our wounds a little, but salivating for revenge. Disappointed by President Obama’s weak showing in the first debate last week with Mitt Romney, and at times frustrated to the point of anger at his seeming unwillingness to call Mitt Romney out for what he is: a serial liar who will tell anyone what he thinks it is they want to hear at the moment. We aree now depending on Joe Biden on steroids to convince the Joe the Six Packs of the country of the truth.
If Paul Ryan performs anything like Mitt Romney did last week, viewers will not get the truth about what the Romney/Ryan ticket really wants, which is a 5 trillion dollar tax cut over ten years, which will benefit mostly the wealthy; the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (Obama-care), the gutting of federal spending on all things domestic, including severe cuts to medicaid and the beginning of the dismantling of medicare to be replaced with a voucher system. Amazingly, infuriatingly, Mitt Romney stood on the same stage as the president of the United States last week, and preceded to pretend that he didn’t believe in any of the things that he has spent the last year and half campaigning on. He did this by lying, and although using the word “lie” when referring to a presidential opponent might be seen as impolite, un-presidential or severe, there is simply no other word for the bullshit coming out of Mr. Romney’s mouth last week. He directly contradicted his own statements and policies that he has spent his entire campaign running on, choosing to say that under his healthcare plan, which doesn’t exist by the way, that pre-existing conditions are covered. This is not true, and right after the debate his campaign was quick to clarify that, after the majority of debate viewers had already tuned out for the night. Mitt Romney only favors covering pre-existing conditions for people who have continuous coverage – the status quo that we already have. Mitt Romney said his tax plan is revenue neutral. That’s impossible and he knows it and is lying. He has repeatedly called for cutting all income tax rates by 20 percent across the board, and cutting the capital gains tax rate (the one that allows him to make 30 million a year and only pay a 14 percent tax rate), and that this will not cost 5 trillion over ten years, which non-partisan tax policy experts have calculated it costing. He claims he will get rid of the tax loopholes to make it revenue neutral, yet he won’t specify what those loopholes are, claiming that he’ll work out those details with the congress. Those details can’t be worked out because there aren’t enough loopholes in the tax code to make up those cuts. Most tax deductions that would have to be cut under his plan are mortgage tax relief, with a huge chunk that would affect middle class home owners. He also repeated the lie that he would strengthen medicare without admitting it was a voucher plan that would give vouchers for seniors to buy health insurance that would cost much more than the vouchers would be worth. He repeated the lie that Obama cut 700 billion from medicare to pay for Obama-care. An outright lie, as they only cut government subsidies to insurance companies that were ripping off taxpayers, and put that savings toward’s seniors’ prescription drug coverage that was never funded under George. W. Bush when it was expanded.
Paul Ryan likes to refer to himself as a policy “wonk,” but I hope Joe Biden calls him a policy “wank” because Mr. Ryan is doing nothing but jerking voters around when he claims his tax plan is revenue neutral. When pressed by Chris Wallace on the Fox Propaganda News Network for the cost of his tax plan, the wank said it would take too long to go over the math. That’s because he’d have to invent new mathematical rules to make his fairy tale work out of cutting taxes for everybody while not costing the government 5 trillion over ten years. Mr. Ryan has a budget he authored and passed in the house, and Catholic Bishops have written a formal letter to Mr. Ryan, who is himself a Catholic, saying that the Church viewed the federal budget as a moral document, and this budget was immoral, since it gave generously to the wealthy in tax cuts, and paid for it on the backs of the most the most vulnerable in our society It’s Christian values turned upside down, and not surprisingly, this hypocrisy comes from some of the most vociferous conservatives.
I wanna see Vice President Biden take the lying, phony smiling policy wank Paul Ryan to the woodshed and spank him with the truth, brutally, forcefully, articulately. Mr. Obama last week may have been baffled by Mitt Romney’s boldface lies, but hopefully he and his team have taken the week to realize their mistakes of not forcefully pointing out how full of shit Mr. Romney is, and how bad their true plans for this country are.
I also wanna hear Joe bring up the 47 percent hidden video of Mr. Romney saying what he really thinks of all government programs and beneficiaries. He needs to hang that video and true intentions of Mitt Romney around Paul Ryan’s neck, and he needs to hang Paul Ryan’s own immoral budget around his neck.
Please, Joe, don’t let us down. Don’t let him get away with lying and deceiving the American people into voting against their own best interest like Mr. Romney skillfully got away with last week. We are all counting on you.