The United States right now is currently under intense diplomatic and political pressure from Israel to go to war with Iran on Israel’s behalf, or side by side. The Israelis, who themselves are estimated to possess at least 200 nuclear weapons and as many as 400, seem hell bent on launching attacks against Iran’s nuclear facilities, which are enriching uranium but believed by most intelligence officials to be a few years away from actually making a weapon — if they are even planning to do so, which remains unknown.
The Obama Administration and the European Union have already launched harsh sanctions against Iran, sanctions that amount to economic warfare against Iran and it’s people. These sanctions are threatening the world economy as well, as speculation in the oil market and higher oil and gasoline prices come with horrible timing as Europe’s economy is facing another recession and our own economy is struggling to recover.
For Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu however, this is not enough. He is meeting with President Obama this Monday in Washington, where the talks are of course expected to be dominated by the Iranian nuclear issue. All major news papers and sources indicated that Netanyahu isn’t happy with Mr. Obama’s words that all options against Iran are on the table. He want’s a more specific military threat, wants it to happen before the sanctions even play out, and isn’t happy with the United States urging Israel to not attack Iran by themselves soon.
The bottom line is that Israel alone wants the United States to engage in another “preemptive war” with a Muslim country over weapons of mass destruction they do not yet even have.
And Israel has sympathetic, blind followers in congress, such as Senator John McCain, who besides being a sore loser and constant critic of Obama, recently visited Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel, and came back complaining that we were not in complete unison and agreement with Israel’s war lust. He was quoted in the New York Times as saying “there is clearly significant tension that now exists on how to approach this whole issue,” adding, “There should be no daylight between America and Israel in our assessment of the threat.”
Really, Mr. McCain, no daylight at all between our sovereign nation and Israel when it comes to entering yet another war?
Perhaps John McCain should run for office to be the next Prime Minister of Israel instead of remaining a sore loser to President Obama and cheerleader for more war on Israel’s behalf. John McCain and the other U.S. senators who seem to be more interested in Israel’s best interests instead of their own country’s should look in the mirror and re-examine their own patriotism, and be stop being a clown posse for a country with no strategic value to the United States of America. Haven’t we had enough of these neo-cons leading us into unnecessary war?
Let’s hope Barack Obama and his advisers don’t cave into the political pressure and saber rattling of a few fools.