As someone who is supporting President Obama for his re-election, I was hoping that Newt Gingrich would win Florida and really throw the republicans into turmoil, allowing both front runners more time to bloody each other up and expose each other for the crooks and slime balls that they really are. That way, perhaps, just maybe, the brainwashed Joe the Plumbers and Fox Propaganda News fans of the country could actually start to figure out and believe, since it is coming from their own, that their best interests are not represented by republicans. The republicans are really a boy’s club of rich narcissists, and it’s becoming harder for them to find a candidate that can fool the the masses in this country, the 99 percent to actually support their 1 percent agenda. Hopefully, Newt will make good on his promise and continue to fight for the nomination and get down and dirty and stupid. Maybe that 45 percent of this country that votes against their own best interests will get their eyes opened a little as the republicans eat their own.
Hell, tonight I’m an optimist.