Thoughts on the South Carolina Republican Debate

Newt Gingrich handed the moderator his ass.
Earlier in the day, I was discussing with some friends  the likely-hood of the moderator asking him a question about the allegations his ex-wife had just come out with in the media, about him wanting an open marriage at some point.  Newt frequently attacks the media and moderators for not asking him the questions that he wants them to ask him, the ones that will allow him to stand on his soap box and spew unchallenged, rehearsed and familiar, horseshit rhetoric. It turned out to be the first question the CNN moderator asked him, and although I know that Newt Gingrich is a crook  and a douche bag, I must admit that I enjoyed watching him turn the tables on John King, CNN’s Chief National Correspondent and moderator of the debate, and hand him his ass.  Our television ‘news’ in this country is pathetic, and the moderators of the debates and shows on the twenty-four hour ‘news’ cycle often ask stupid questions.  And when they run out of stupid questions to ask, they ask stupid questions from their viewers who tweet or email them.  A news reporter should know better questions to ask than his audience, questions that lead to the pursuit of truth and information.  Presumably, most moderators and news hosts received some type of college education in the subject of journalism. If they must ask a stupid question, let it be one or two token questions that they feel it necessary to come from a member of their audience.  And as far as asking questions about a candidate’s sex life, leave that for the gossip and showbiz outlets.  It has no place in professional journalism, and it has been my long held belief that politicians’ sex lives should be their own private business, and are irrelevant markers of their ability to be a good leader and fight for the good causes of America’s citizens.

Rick Santorum handed Newt Gingrich his ass.

Mitt Romney was a good bullshitter, clearly his handlers are slicking him up pretty good, as he handled himself surprising well, but I could still smell his phony odor of  crooked capitalism and super millionaire, pretending-to-really-care for the middle class and poor horseshit, all the way from South Carolina, through my television set and to me, on the couch with this computer, writing this to all of you.

Ron Paul, a republican by name but a libertarian at heart, was eloquent, smart, thought provoking, more informed and more sincere than any candidate on the stage.  Although I am not a libertarian, I agree with many of Dr. Paul’s views on the military and foreign policy, and our corrupt central banking system.  He would by far be my choice for a republican candidate – in fact my only choice for a republican president.

And now, I must hand Rick Santorum his ass.  I was raised in the Bible belt, and consider myself qualified to make an at face judgment about Mr. Santorum, and it is this: he stinks of just plain and simply, being a narrow minded, ignorant, small, self-righteous asshole.   His ideology would have played well in the Dark Ages.  Dick Santorum could have used his talent as a TV preacher to make himself rich, as Mike Huckabee is doing on the Fox Propaganda Network and Glen Beck was doing, but he seems to really thirst for the power of the presidency, and wouldn’t he be a truly frightening president, because he seems to truly believe his own far right, neo-con horseshit.  Thankfully, that will never happen, because his little ‘holier than thou’ act won’t fly much further, regardless of his own grandiose feelings about himself.

I wish Dr. Ron Paul the very best in the South Carolina primaries, and to hell with the rest.

One response to “Thoughts on the South Carolina Republican Debate

  1. Nitefox_nyc

    I agree – Ron Paul seems to be the best choice.