My keyboard had barely cooled from my last blog two days ago complaining about Bill Clinton saying President Obama should cave into republicans in their relentless attack on affordable health care for all Americans, when the president went on tv and did just that. Yesterday, President Obama pissed away all the political capital that he had gained in showing some spine by standing up against the republican party’s government shutdown, and not paying a ransom in the form of weakening Obama Care. Mr. Obama stood before the cameras and offered more apologies for the screw-up of the federal exchange website, and then apologies for people who are losing their junk insurance after he had said during the campaign that if you were happy with your insurance you could keep it. And then, he offered an enormous capitulation to republicans and right wing critics and declared that he was changing the rules and allowing holders of cancelled insurance policies (policies that don’t meet the new federal minimum standards, mind you . .i.e. junk insurance) to keep their policies for another year. So, these lucky folks who the media and republicans have tried to portray as “happy” with their insurance policy, may continue paying for a policy that is worthless should they become seriously ill or have a medical emergency.
The house republicans today passed legislation with the help of 39 turn coat, coward democrats voting with the republicans, that would expand President Obama’s one year extension of current policy holders of junk insurance to allow the insurance companies to sell NEW policies of junk insurance that don’t meet the new minimum standards of the Affordable Care Act. Another tactic that would completely undermine and sabotage Obama Care, although Mr. Obama has issued a veto threat of this legislation. But with his tough one day, wimp the next day pattern, how sure can we be? At least the bill’s chances of passing in the Senate as of right now seem remote. But this act of the House of Clowns just shows the transparent motives and goals of the republican party, which is to continue to use any means necessary, from the government shutdown, to exploiting the weakness and screw-up of the Obama Care roll out, to destroy the chance of the Affordable Care Act succeeding. They want to desperately return the rule writing to the thieving health insurance companies to allow to them to continue to control our health care delivery system and enrich themselves while millions go uninsured and suffer and die.
As I explained in my last blog on this subject, President Obama and democrats need to explain exactly what is going on with the new changes in the law, and how they are better for everyone, and how the people who are losing their insurance will now have more affordable options for insurance that really is health insurance that will help them if they get sick, unlike the fraudulently junk insurance that they have been paying too much for.
Instead, we have a pathetic television news media for the large part passing mis-information back and forth for the spectacle of bullshit debate instead of informing their audience, and we have democrats who are so pathetic that rather than push back or try to explain the truth about what is going on with Obama Care, they had rather apologize and capitulate to the health insurance industry, republicans, and critics. And we have the so-called Chief of Explaining Things, Bill Clinton, leading the example of being a cowardly, phony, suck-up to private wealth, opportunist. I have never been a fan of Bill Clinton, or his wife, and now a president I am a supporter of, is taking this bad advice from a professional liar and opportunistic, entrenched power former president.
And for the 39 democrats in the House of Clowns who voted with the republicans on this latest attack on affordable health care, shame on your cowardly asses. If you need political cover, as many pundits in the tv political theater crowd are suggesting is what the president gave you yesterday, you don’t deserve to call your self a democrat. You should pack up your Washington bag and go back to whatever district in your state you are from and tell everybody that you knew better, but you are just too big of a lazy coward to argue against criticism that isn’t accurate. Tell them it’s just easier to sell them out and let them believe the lies from the republicans and the health insurance industry. Tell them you are sorry for ever showing backbone, and retire in shame, you worthless wet mops.
As for the rest of you democrats and President Obama, for goodness sake, SHOW SOME SPINE! ! ! Sure, I understand you could be tempted to think people are too stupid in this country to understand the complexities of the new heath care law, given that there were Tea-baggers early on in the debate holding up signs of protest, telling the government to keep it’s hands off their Medicare. I understand you may have to explain things a little more slowly to the Joe the Plumbers of the country that their taxes aren’t going up, and barely any going up for the rich; I understand that almost half our country votes against their own best interests. But you need to remember that polls on individual policies and ideas consistently show that we are what can accurately be described as a center-left country, even though many of these people don’t realize that’s what they are. The point is that people in this country can understand things if it is explained with clear language, evidence, and conviction. For all of President Obama’s speaking skills and charisma, it would be nice if he’d consistently show conviction by fighting more for what is right instead of half-ass apologizing for half-ass bullshit criticism.
I’m going to go and bang my head into a fence post outside now, since the democrats are too lazy or chicken shit to argue with the proverbial fence post of the republicans and right-wing media.